Page 58 of Breaking Away

I turn on my heel.

He follows. “It’s dark. I’m going with you.”

Outside the club, a car pulls up to the curb, ready for us. I don’t know how he or his team does it, but a car shows up whenever they need it to.

Before getting in, I cross my arms. “You don’t have to leave your team.”

“The only reason I came out was you, Basra.” He goes ahead and opens the door for me. “I fucking hate places like this.”

My fault again. Whew. Anything else I should add to the list?

We get in the car—and then I remember. “Wait. Sonya.”

We’re not officially friends, but it’s girl code.

“Can you make sure she’s okay? And tell her I’m leaving?” I ask Lokhov, hating that I need to rack up another request.

He pulls out his phone. Quinn answers the call.

“Is your sister okay? Kavi is asking.”

Quinn must answer affirmatively for Lokhov replies. “Good. We’re leaving.”

He ends the call.

The car moves.

“I got you a hotel suite,” he says quietly. “Close to the airport. If that doesn’t work, let me know. I’ll arrange whatever you want.”

“No. That’s perfect.” I don’t have the energy to find anything for myself right now. “Let me know how much it was, and I’ll transfer you.”

“I’ll get right on that.”

The way he says it… “You won’t, will you?”

“Not a chance.”

I frown.

The rest of the ride is silent. When we arrive at the hotel, Lokhov gets out and opens the door for me. He casts a shadow, walking me to the front doors. We’re not side-by-side. He’s keeping his distance.

It’s not far enough. Not when I understand now. This tattooed man is a typhoon across the shore. No matter how hard you run, there’s a risk of obliteration. Dmitri Lokhov seemed dangerous from afar back in high school, but he is devastating at close-range.

How many inches can you start with?

Be a good girl and hate it.

Maybe you misunderstood me earlier, Princess. I said to use me.

I’m still wet.

And that’s why this has to be the last time we see each other.

I’m not getting myself involved with another hockey player in any capacity. Not after what happened with Tyler.

This is over.

He must have the same opinion, for he doesn’t say goodbye. The last thing I see is his clenched jaw and eyes gone somewhat glassy. What I can only assume is evidence of a massive need to get rid of me.