“Almost like he wanted to impress someone,” says Quinn, walking by.
“Naw.” Hughes shakes his head. “The Great One Who Never Smilesalwayskills it.” He grins at Kavi. “Come to the next game to find out. You have to. There’s nothing like hearing our home crowd cheer for us.”
“Oh. Um.” She swallows. “I’m not sure. This is a—one time invite—” She glances furtively at me. “Plus, my dad coaches the Blades, so I shouldn’t.”
Hughes gasps. Literally fucking gasps.
“They know,” I tell Kavi. “Ignore him.”
“We don’t care who your dad is or who your ex is,” admits Hughes. “You’re here now. With us.”
“Let’s celebrate the win together,” suggests Quinn.
Hughes threads a hand through his blonde hair. “Everyone come! Friendsandfamily!”
His voice booms loud enough that Quinn’s sister shifts her attention away from the book she’s propped up on a couch nearby.
“Lokhov never comes out,” complains Matt. “But he should. That last goal, man. I’ve never seen you go hard like that.”
The last time I went to a bar, my knee was collateral damage. Nothing is going to make me repeat the experience.
“Come out. Promise we’ll keep the debauchery to a minimum, darling,” Hughes drawls to Kavi.
My nostrils flare. Did he just call herdarling?
Kavi tugs on her bottom lip. “If this night ends, then pretty soon it will be tomorrow and I have to catch a flight back to Seattle…”
Hughes grins. “Sounds like you’re coming.”
“Um… yeah? Maybe. Sure?”
He attempts to slide closer to her, but I block his approach.
Hughes and some other players are watching me, beginning to smile.
“You want to go out?” I ask Kavi, towering over her.
“Fine. We’ll go out.”Fuck.
Behind us, Quinn swoons. Matt cheers. Emmad does a jig.
The team shifts away to coordinate food and rides.
“Are you sure about this?” Kavi whispers.
“Why wouldn’t I be?” It’s not like my knee is yelling at me to be responsible. Or that the pressure to perform hasn’t just quadrupled after my talk with Coach.
“You’re probably tired. I know routine has always been important to you.” She pauses. “I remember.”
Dangerously, I let my head drop so I’m closer to her ear. “What do you remember?”
“High school. The others would go drinking after, but you never joined them. You went home.”
My eyebrow quirks up. “You watched me?”
Her eyes widen again. “You wish.”