“Number twelve.”
“Are you his girlfriend?”
“No. I’m his…” I trail off, not having an answer.
“Let me guess. He says he doesn’t want to put a label on it.”
The derision in her voice is obvious.
“It’s not like that,” I say, which is a vague defense, but also my situation is strange to explain.
“Some friendly advice,” she offers. “Hockey players are all the same. Protect yourself from them.”
I don’t know why, but I have an urge to defend Lokhov. Maybe because he’s the reason I’m here, escaping an apology ambush from Tyler. “Actually, number twelve is helping me.”
“Do what?”
It’s complicatedwill play into her disdain of hockey players and prove her point. “We are using each other…” I start.
Maybe it’s the beer or the excitement of the game. I decide to go for it. “Hopefully to make my ex-fiancémetaphoricallychoke on his own dick.”
Her mouth drops open. “Okay. Did not expect that. Why?”
“Normal reasons.”
“He cheated?”
“Yes,” I say, before adding, “Most likely. I’m not fully sure. But I heard him say we’re in an open relationship when we’re not.”
“Everyone thinks we should get back together,” I confess.
“Wait. Rewind. How will your ex choke on his own dick—metaphorically, even?”
Ah. Good question. “Because I’ll post something on social media or something. Otherwise what’s the point? No one will know I’m here if I don’t.” I’m speaking as if reminding myself. Reluctantly, I put down my beer and take out my camera.
She whistles. “Are you a photographer? Also, I feel like I should get your name. Mine is Sonya.”
“I’m Kavi and—” I blush. “I’m not a photographer-photographer.”
Proper photographers shoot masterpieces and have their work in galleries. I haven’t done any of that.
While I’m adjusting the camera settings, I ask Sonya. “You’re here to watch your brother?”
“I come to his games for some ‘sibling bonding.’” She does the air-quotes. “And sometimes he shows up for my performances.”
“I’m a ballerina.”
I stop fiddling to gawk. “No way. That’sreallycool.”
“Okay. So you come to watch your brother, but what about their captain? I think he just put on a show for you.”