It’s the opposite. They look ready to back him in a fight.
And Tyler? He’s gone white even as he spurts out, “Seriously? Fuck you.”
“No, thank you.” Dmitri’s voice is arctic. It’s never been so bare like this. “But I will fuck you, professionally and legally, if you ever corner her again. Think of all the money I have. You don’t think I’ll spend it all? I will. If Kavi says the word, I’ll hire a lawyer. And if she wants, we’ll hire a private investigator whose only job is to dig up your dirt. I’m sure a piece of shit like you has loads he’s trying to hide. Cheating. Gambling. Anything illegal.”
“He’s the type,” agrees Hughes. “I’ll be pitching in for this.”
“Me too,” chimes in Quinn.
He’s not worth it. None of this is. Tyler tried emotionally destroying me, but it hasn’t worked. Mostly, I want to go back and hug the person I used to be. She thought Tyler knew everything when, in fact, he knows nothing. And now, we’re giving him more time and attention than he deserves.
“Let him go, please,” I ask Dmitri.
There’s no hesitation. He does, immediately.
Before Tyler can do anything, I look at Dmitri, Hughes, and Quinn. “I love and appreciate you all, but I’ve got this. Hiswords–” I smile. “I don’t know when it happened, but they don’t make me feel small.”
“Stop being so dramatic, Kavi,” Tyler spits out.
“Actually,” I say, looking at Dmitri. “Let me talk to him. Properly.”
Dmitri’s eyes narrow on Tyler. He’s hesitating, but then he looks at me. At the entirety of me. Or, at least, that’s how it feels. “I’ll be right here,” he says. “A few feet away. Does that work?”
I nod.
Dmitri, Hughes, and Quinn shift backwards. All three of their arms cross, and even from this distance, they look menacing and protective enough to make the top of Tyler’s brow shine. His demeanor might be crass, but he’s sweating.
“You’re making a mistake, babes,” he starts.
His tone has sweetened.
I take in a deep breath. “How so?”
“Leaving me.”
It would be rude for me to laugh—and probably counter-productive—so I don’t. “You can believe that, but I don’t. We’re over, Tyler. And… I should have sat you down and told you that, maybe. We’ve been together for a while.”Too long.“But I was afraid of seeing you again.”
Helaughs. “You’re talking to me like I hit you.”
“You didn’t.”
“Physically. How about the emotional impact your words had on me? The constant negging you slipped into your sentences. How you tried to worm insecurities into my head, so that I always had to rely on you for strength, but couldn’t build up my own. I was afraid of seeing you, because I was afraid of losing my confidence. But I’m not scared about that happening now. I’m—good.Morethan good.”
Tyler steps forward. My hand goes up.
From the corner of my eye, I see Dmitri move closer.
“Don’t,” I warn Tyler. “If you want to finish this conversation with me, you’ll keep your distance. Not only because they will get involved, but because—” My shoulders go back. “I won’t stand for it. You can’t intimidate me with your size. Got it?”
Tyler’s mouth pinches, but he eases backward. “I love you?—”
“And I want a different love. A kind of love that doesn’t confuse me.”
“What confusion? I’ve bought you so many things?—”
“You did.” I walk around him, so his back is to the wall. I’m never going to feel cornered by him again. “You made it so I had to feel like I was theluckiestwoman, because a guy like you was into her. Don’t you get it? I’m not underneath you. I’m strong. Kind. Giving. Capable.Talented.I bring a lot to the table. And I’m finally choosing to be around those that build me up. We’re over, Tyler. I’ve explained my reasons, but I don’t owe you more of a conversation than this. Accept it or not, but this is our goodbye.”