His mouth brushes against my neck. “How hard?”
I whimper.
“How many inches do I get?”
“Please.” I try reaching for the tent in his pants.
He catches my wrist, one of his hands finally coming down from the wall.
“How many times do I get?” he asks, demanding to know.
The feeling inside me is so intense it takes precious moments for words to work.
“How many times do you—want?” I stammer.
Something starved etches into the lines of his expression. “I want to keep fucking you until you tap out.”
A blaze sets fire to my core.Until I tap out?
“Is that okay? Because once will never be enough. Not even close, Princess. You’ll have to take me. Please, take me. Let me fill you up until I’m dripping out of you.”
What ishappening? He’s barely touched me, and I’m losing it already. His words? I whimper because that’s all I am capable of doing at this point.
He gently presses his bulge against me. “Tell me, Princess. Give me permission. Will you finally have me? Can I please fuck you?”
My core clenches. Spasms. Weeps. “I—Yes!”
Mayo thinks he’s being summoned. He yips at our heels.
Dmitri eases himself back, eyes pitch-black. His throat bobbles.
He needs a moment. Two. Three.
He goes on his haunches and picks up Mayo. “Come here, buddy. Let’s set you up in your favorite place.”
He walks him over to the terrace door, and that’s when I notice. The grill is there, but it’s been tucked further into a corner because space was needed for a massive dog playground. It has steps to climb, cubby holes to scurry into, a tubed slide to belly-roll down. Everything is customized and sprawling. There’s even a designated potty area for times he can’t wait to get down the elevator and outside. It’s a little kingdom just for Mayo.
Has Dmitri adopted him? Everything points to yes.
My chest explodes with a hurricane of butterflies, and another piece clicks into place about Dmitri Lokhov. Behind this grump is a shy man who doesn’t let many people in, but when he does, he wants to give them everything he has.
I need the wall to lean on because my knees are weak seeing Dmitri lead Mayo to his playground, watching him give him a treat, and telling him he’ll be back later.
When Dmitri steps back inside the apartment, he leaves the terrace door cracked enough that if Mayo wants to come back inside, he can.
I hold my breath until he reaches me.
“Is this still okay?” Dmitri asks, stopping himself before he can touch me. His words are strangled, yet so damn polite. “You can change your mind. If you’re not ready, we don’t have to.”
He’s hard, and painfully so. But also checking up on me.
I jump him.