“Any chance you’ll leave?”
“Not a chance. Me and the pets roll together.”
Kavi lifts her head. “Oh, hey. Sorry, I got distracted by?—”
“Mayo,” supplies Hughes. He lifts the Lovecraftian creature he’s holding up. “And this is Lady Diana. Isn’t she adorable?”
The fur-ball hisses.
Kavi looks at me. Her eyes are puffy. She was crying earlier.Fuck no.I’m brutally tense again. I need to spend a lot more time with the punching bag.
“Poor D had no one who wanted her,” continues Hughes. “I had to take her home. And we’ve been bonded ever since.”
There’s fur shedding on his sweater. “How many allergy pills are you on?” I ask, trying to distract myself from the leaded weight in my gut.She can’t cry. I need to do something now.
“So many.” Hughes brings the demon back to his shoulder, cradling it like a child. “I think she deserves a tour, since D has never been here before. I’m going to walk around.”
I say, “Don’t touch my shit,” at the same time he coos to the creature that they should carve their initials into all my furniture.
“I never know if he’s being serious or not,” Kavi says to me after Hughes has left to wander.
I scratch Mayo under the chin. “With Hughes, assume the worst.”
She gives me a mouth-pressed smile. “You are doing it, you know. Inviting him over totally counts as team building.”
I did it for you.
“There’s something else.” She sighs. “Um, before I forget, I have to say this.”
My muscles brace. Finally. She’s going to tell me what’s wrong.
Her eyes are on Mayo. “Dmitri, I’m really proud of you for inviting everyone over yesterday. I know it all started as a bet,but the team loves and respects you. It’s obvious you’ve earned it with who you are as a person—and who you are as a man.”
The words fight to sink in. “Proud?”
“Completely. I totally am.”
I freeze. My whole body can’t move, as if she’s taken over all controls. And yet—why does it seem like I’m flying at the same time? With much effort, my hand rubs at my chest.
Kavi raises her eyes at me. “Oh. Sorry. You look?—”
“There’s a lot of frowning,” she stammers. “Have I broken you?”
Mayo barks. He’s sniffed out the tote bag I had delivered after Hughes agreed to come over. His nose nudges it open. Out comes an arsenal of dog toys.
I don’t know who is more excited. Kavi or Mayo. They dive immediately into a game of ferocious catch. Mayo treats the living room like an obstacle course.
“He’s doing parkour!” Kavi chases after him and I can’t help but join in. We play-wrestle him, have him tag us, and then go after him. Mayo’s tail is a blur in the air.
Time passes so easily. I can’t say how long it’s been. Kavi catches him again, bundling him up in her arms on the couch. She’s petting Mayo, whose eyes are now closing. Pretty soon, his eyes flutter shut.
Kavi hugs him close, as if she desperately needs to.
“What is it?” I ask quietly. “Will you finally tell me what’s wrong, Princess?”