Page 117 of Breaking Away

I follow—but the door to her room locks behind her.

Detouring, I go to the home gym.

An hour later, my clothes are plastered on me. My knuckles complain from going at the punching bag the whole time. I wipe myself down with a towel, then do something I never thought I would. If you had asked me before, I’d say nothing could have driven me to this. I would have rather gotten tortured.

But she’s sad.

And she won’t tell me why.

Another hour later, he’s at the door.

“Have you called me to confess your undying love?” Hughes holds a furry muppet. “Too bad I love pussy too much to give it up.”

“How do women let you near them?” I genuinely wonder.

“I’m hot,” says Hughes, as if the answer is obvious.

“What is that?” I ask, pointing to the muppet.

“Diana. I couldn’t leave her behind.”

The thing moves. It’s breathing. “But whatisit?

“A cat.” Hughes whistles. Behind him, a chocolate Labrador rushes inside, his tail wagging.

I go on my knees. The adorable puppy drools all over me, and then shoots past me to the living room.

“He’s staying with me until we can find him a permanent foster home,” Hughes explains as we watch him pick up speed, yipping and running into my couches.

“What’s his name?”

“Mayo Benedict.”


“Mayo for short.”

We watch as he sinks his teeth into a pillow. Hughes moves to stop him from ripping it apart, but I block him.

That’s because I hear it. The sound of a door opening.


She’s following the barking.

Kavi comes into the living room and squeals. Mayo lets go of the pillow and runs into her arms.

When Mayo licks her face, Kavi giggles.

The sound?—

Every muscle in my body goes lax.

Hughes goes wide-eyed. “Are you… smiling?”

I press my lips together.

“Fuck, you were!”