Page 552 of Omega for the Pack

Before I could open the door, he hopped into the driver’s seat and took off. For a moment, I froze in terror.

The car was moving at top speed.

Shoving the door open, my heart pounded fast as I looked at the rushing road beneath. Fuck, I was pregnant.

“Close the door!” roared Brett with the alpha bark in his voice.

Instead, I jumped out.

Pain hit my body.

I rolled around and around on the hard asphalt ground, trying to protect my belly with my arms. When I finally stopped rolling, dizziness hit me when I opened my eyes. And the firstthing I saw was Brett looming over me, his eyes flashing with red fury.

“Asshole!” I screamed as he reached out to grab my arms.

Before he could do that, I saw him being thrown against a tree.

I looked around me, seeing Sergio, Ian, and Evan standing around me protectively with me in the middle.

My body hurt as I stumbled to my feet and brushed off the dirt from my dress. We were off the road as the cars zoomed by. Brett’s head lolled against the trunk of the tree, and I watched as Evan kicked him repeatedly in the ribs.

“Fucker,” screamed Ian, who was kneeling and punching him repeatedly in the face. Brett weakly fought back, but he was no match for three young virile alphas who had the upper hand. “Believe me that you’ll never touch a hair on our omega’s head ever again.”

I watched as they continued to beat him up mercilessly. Brett turned his head towards me. He opened his mouth, which frothed with blood, trying to say something to me.

“Guys, that’s enough,” I said, weakly walking towards them with every limb in my body aching. “Don’t kill him. Call the police.”

I knelt in front of him next to Ian.

“My omega,” mumbled Brett, crazy-eyed as he gazed at me.

“I willneverbe your omega,” I screamed in his face. Then in a calmer tone, as I gripped his cock. “You will never hurt me again. In fact, you’ll never hurt anyone else ever again.”

His eyes bugged with panic when I yanked at it, and he yelled through his pain. I released him as the police approached us.

“Ma’am, step back,” the delta officers commanded.

I didn’t care as one of the officers pulled me to the side with his clipboard in hand while Sergio was yelling that Brett was trying to kidnap me. I stared coldly at Brett as they dragged himoff with handcuffs on his wrists. It gave me the chills that he continued to look at me even though they were taking him away. When he was finally tucked away in the car, I started to shake with relief.

“Now tell us what happened, ma’am,” said the officer.

“He tried to kidnap me,” I started.

After dealing with the police,Sergio carried me home in his arms after I insisted that I didn’t require hospitalization. My mom hurriedly wrapped me in a quilt blanket when Sergio set me down on the couch. Two of my fathers, Caleb and Dravin, were home by now as Sergio recounted the story of what happened. Ian and Evan sat on either side of me, rubbing my back or petting my hair.

I felt comfortable with them after our many dates together. But I was still shaken after what happened.

“It’s the end of him,” said Ian. “I wish we killed him.”

“I wish you did, too,” I said, suddenly regretting stopping him. It would have all been in self-defense anyway, but I didn’t want to risk it.

“Shoulda chopped off his pecker before he went to jail,” growled Evan while my parents and Sergio talked quietly. I smiled despite my trembling limbs. “Well, this is the end of him, and you have nothing to worry about now.”

“Thank god,” I said, leaning against Evan while watching my mom pour tea for everyone in the room. “But now I’ll be worried every night if he’ll break out or something. You have no idea how weirdly obsessed he is.”

“He won’t,” said Ian re-assuredly, rubbing my thigh.

“Are you okay?” asked Caleb, touching the scar on the right side of my face in concern. “I’m so sorry I wasn’t there to save you. Once again. I blame myself for everything that happened to you.”