Jordan’s spittle flew in my face as he neared me. His grip tightened on my arm until I felt like he would break it.
“I’myour alpha handler. Do you get that, bitch?”
“Yes,” I whispered. “I’m sorry.”
I was surprisedto see Lacy in the flesh when she came down those stairs. Her beautiful delicate features in her simple yet sexy beige dress made my cock hard as soon as I set eyes on her. She was here and alive.
I winked at her when she saw me, and I delighted in her joy of seeing me. I was glad she didn’t hate us anymore, thank fuck. But when I looked back, I saw some other alpha dragging her off into a room.
“Excuse me,” I said to the alphas, who were in the middle of introducing themselves to me. They looked affronted that I would stop them, but I didn’t fucking care. I had to know if my Lacy was alright. I rushed to the room she was held in and saw him angry and shouting at her. I smelled her scent of fear at being yelled at by this abusive alpha.
“Hey! What did she do to you?” I asked, even though the sight of his hand on her arm made me want to rip him to shreds. He was causing my omega distress. He released her and turned his rage on me instead.
Because if he touched me, I was going to kill him. I didn’t give a fuck. All gloves would be off. I positioned myself in the middle of them, so if he had to touch her, he’d have to go through me. And that wasn’t going to happen.
“She belongs to me,” he said, eyes flashing.
Anger bubbled in my throat. My hands clenched as I tried to keep calm.
“Then why are you shouting at her?”
“I can shout at her if I want,” he said smugly. “Stay away from her. She’s never going to be yours. This bitch belongs to me.”
My fist struck his face within seconds.
The next thing I knew was that he was on the ground. I knelt over him, repeatedly punching his face as he tried to shove me off.
No one disrespected my omega.
Lacy’s screams sounded distant to me. I was held in a fog of rage. Every punch to his weaselly face was glorious. The warm blood trickling off my knuckles, satisfying with every crunch.
“Fuck you,” I yelled with intense rage until someone pulled me off him. “Don’t you ever call her that. You're the biggest bitch I've ever seen.”
That same night, I lay in my bed wondering what had become of Ethan.
I was shocked to see him get so angry on my behalf, but I was also touched. I smiled when I remembered Ethan cursing out Jordan. The alpha security had broken up the fight, and as I stood there in shock, I saw the annoyance on Ryder’s face as Ethan was dragged out of the room. Jordan’s nose looked broken, bleeding everywhere when they rushed him out.
After that incident, I didn’t dare look at Ryder to give away his cover, and I hung out with the omegas in the Social Room for the rest of the day.
There was nothing to do but relax and be pampered all day while I anxiously waited to hear news about Ethan. But the entire day, I heard nothing. Nothing from Ryder either, and when he would break me out of here.
I was lying naked in bed, waiting to see if Jordan would come in or if he was too injured. I hoped to moons he was too hurt to come in here. I was clutching the sheets which was pulled up to my chest as I closed my eyes. It was about that time when someone was supposed to show up. Last night was a pure nightmare, and I dreaded going through it again.
The door squeaked open, and my breathing quickened.
I felt the bed sink on both sides of me as two alphas settled in. The familiar scent of leather hit my nose, and I smiled. I opened my eyes to see Ryder lying in front of me, and I felt Ethan’s beard brush my shoulder as he held me from behind.
“Don’t be scared,” said Ryder.
“How…how did you?”