Ileft Lacy in her room, and I was hard as a boulder as I walked down the staircase. I suddenly imagined turning around and knotting her until I could get it out of my system, but that would be reckless as hell.
“He escaped once again,” said Lucas, inspecting the open window.
I was furious.
We lost the stalker again within minutes. He probably heard our armored car parking outside, even though I tried to remain discreet as possible. Listening to Lacy’s scared voice over the phone put me in a state of panic and rage for the omega. Never in my heart did I feel so protective of an omega. Even though she was irresponsible and flighty, it didn’t mean she deserved to be murdered in her home by a psychopath.
“He heard us coming,” I muttered, staring at the shattered living room window. Lacy would have to get it repaired immediately. “Check for blood, a piece of cloth. Anything you can find.”
Lucas, Adrian, and Ethan searched around the window for any evidence of him. Cooper paced the grounds with a rifle in his arms.
“What the hell does this creep want with her? Like what the fuck?” said Adrian, sounding annoyed. I knew how he felt. The feeling of hopelessness and that someone had come in here just when we left her was unsettling. I rubbed my chin, leaning my elbow against the counter.
“I’m starting to think it has nothing to do with the omega disappearances,” I said. “This is more on a personal level.”
“I agree,” said Lucas, who was inspecting the ground with a magnifying glass.
“Get that big ass thing outta here,” said Adrian laughing when he saw Lucas hunched over the broken pieces of glass on his knees.
“Dude, I don’t want to miss anything,” said Lucas in a serious tone.
“Oh my god,” Lacy gasped behind me. I turned, seeing her stare wide-eyed at her broken window. She wore cute pajamas decorated with little orange pumpkins. A pair of cotton shorts that showed off her delicious creamy thighs and her tank top revealed her tight cleavage waiting to spill. I was instantly reminded of the elusive scent she kept hidden.
The scent that called to me like no other.
My dick hardened, and I stayed behind the kitchen island so she wouldn’t see the tent in my pants. She looked so innocent and frightened, walking around the devastation and staring at the shattered pieces of glass.
“You’ll have to get a new window,” said Ethan, turning and hugging her. My cock danced as I watched her sink into him, hugging him back. Just earlier, I had her warm body in my arms while she was naked. My breaths came out harsher, and she pulled away to look at me.
“Do you think it’s a good idea for you guys to stay here?” she asked.
“Are we staying here?” asked Adrian, his eyes lighting up.
“I believe it might be the only way to ensure her safety. At least for a while,” I said. “It would be mighty stupid for us to get up and leave. Unless she was coming with us.”
“No, it’s okay,” she said. “I’ll show you guys the rooms you can stay in.”
“Sounds good. Let me grab Cooper here quick,” I said, pulling out my phone. I called him, and he was at the house within minutes. “Anything of significance on the ground?”
“Nothing at all,” said Cooper, shaking his head. His eyes were on Lacy, and I wanted to roll my eyes. My pack was getting too infatuated with her innocence and beauty. Including myself. “The stalker was careful not to leave anything behind. He’s smart. For the life of me, I can’t fucking figure out how he ran off so quickly.”
“Not as smart as us,” I said darkly. “Lacy’s going to show us where we’ll sleep tonight.”
She was looking around at us and all the guns and weapons. If she thought this was scary, I couldn’t imagine taking her to the barracks with us.
As she walked ahead of us up the stairs, I watched her little butt bouncing ahead of me. Her tiny shorts clung to her ass cheeks which made quite a sight. I looked over at Lucas and caught him staring at her ass too. Hell, my entire pack was staring. When she turned for a second, I could hear her intake of breath when she caught us all checking her out.
“Alright, so this is one of my rooms,” she said, leading the way into a room covered wall-to-wall in awards.
“I want this one,” said Adrian quickly, admiring the gold trophy on a dresser. “This is where it all started, right?”
“Yes,” she said proudly, watching him admire her works.
“Where’s my room?” I said gruffly. “We can’t afford to waste time. I need my sleep so I can be up early tomorrow to investigate the cameras.”