“I do,” I said, my lips trembling with emotion.
“By the power vested in me, I now pronounce you joined in this extraordinary bond of love. You may now seal your union with a kiss.”
With a nod from the officiant, all four males stepped forward, grasping my veil from the edge of it at the same time, lifting it gently over my head. As the sheer fabric was lifted away, I could see the warmth in their eyes, a reflection of their love for me. My breath caught in my throat, and I couldn’t help but admire how they looked at me as if I were the center of their universe.
Lio, ever the protector, leaned in first, his touch reassuring. His lips brushed against mine in the sweetest kiss, and it felt like coming home. It was the most loving and touching kiss he’d ever given me, and I could feel the emotion behind it as we pulled away. His eyes were teary, and the look in his eyes conveyed to me that I was the one for him.
Markus, the most dominant alpha I’ve ever met, kissed me next, his thick beard brushing my face. His lips pressed against mine, and he would’ve stuck his tongue in my mouth if I didn’t pull away. He winked at me when the kiss ended, and I blushed.
James, my most unexpected connection, leaned in next with excitement in his eyes. “My wife.” Then he kissed me tenderly, cupping my chin with two fingers, lifting my face to him. My heart was racing fast. I was married to the leader of the vampires now. When we pulled away, I smiled shyly at him, and he grinned.
Owen kissed me last. His kiss was filled with passion and a sense of shared excitement for our journey ahead. I knew hewas excited by how his eyes gleamed when our kiss ended. The guests erupted into cheers and applause, celebrating our unity.
In this moment, it felt like it was just the five of us in the world, cocooned in a bubble of love and happiness.
With my hands intertwined between James and Lio, we turned to face the people.
“We’re married now,” I said so that only my mates could hear amongst the cheers of the crowd.
“Yes, we are, my love,” said James, and Lio squeezed my hand on my other side. My heart was full of love at this moment, more than I’d ever felt before. I was a married omega now, and tonight would be the marking between us. My heart beat fast again at the thought, and I couldn’t wait.
Later that day, the reception party the palace held for us was spectacular. The ballroom was filled with twinkling fairy lights and vibrant floral arrangements. I danced with each mate in turn on the marble floors, which glowed under our feet.
Markus held me in his arms as we danced around the ballroom. The chandeliers lit up the room, and everything felt magical as he spun me, holding me close to his warm body. We danced to Lacy singing on the stage. She was Vanessa’s daughter and was pretty much a recluse after starting her singing career. We weren’t that close because of our different paths in life, but we did grow up together along with Lio.
“I didn’t know you could dance,” I said as Markus caught me after dipping me in his arms.
“I’m full of surprises,” he growled, and I giggled. “When you giggle like that...I might rut you right here in front of everyone.”
“Oh no,” I said, sobering instantly, so he didn’t do exactly that. With Markus, it was unpredictable. He could take me at any time, and I couldn’t refuse him. His muscular arms surrounding me in his body heat were already making me horny enough as it was. I looked at the guests, noticing Markus’s father as he walked towards us with a drink in his hand. He looked tipsy already, but we ended our dance and turned to him.
“Congratulations, son,” he said gruffly, giving Markus a one-armed hug.
“Thanks, Dad,” said Markus, his cheeks red with embarrassment. I smiled to show that it didn’t affect me one bit. I enjoyed hanging out with Markus’s father. During the year that I was engaged to the pack, I met all of their families.
“Alana, my daughter-in-law,” he roared, lifting his drink in the air, and everyone clapped. It was my turn to blush, and I was relieved when someone took him away, gently leading him to a seat.
Markus and I walked to the rest of the pack at the table on the stage. I had danced with all the men already, and it was time we had a bite to eat. On our way to the stage, I kissed my baby twins, who Sarah and Adam were watching now. Jay was on Adam’s lap as Adam fed him spoonfuls of rice. My sister Sarah was holding June as they watched people dancing. My mother was dancing with her husbands, and June was clapping wildly as she watched them with slobber dripping down her chin.
“Sarah,” I said, hugging her and June. “Thank you for taking care of the babies.”
“Anytime, sis,” said Sarah, looking at me with kohl-rimmed eyes. “You looked stunning all day, by the way.”
“I try,” I said sarcastically, flipping my hair back in mock arrogance, and she laughed.
“Hey, aren’t you going to thank me, too?” said Adam, and I rolled my eyes.
“Umm, Sarah and Roxy are always taking care of the babies,” I said. “This is literally the first time you’re pitching in.”
“Lies,” said Adam, smiling. “I’ve been working hard.”
“Jay will remember it forever though,” I warned, and Adam gave Jay a peck on the cheek. Adam wasn’t one for affection, and I wondered how the hell he would cope with an omega in his future.
After the reception, we left the palace with a huge procession behind us. The guests cheered and clapped, throwing rice and petals at us. James opened the door to the limo, and I smiled gratefully.
I pulled myself into the limo, dragging my huge wedding dress inside.
I chuckled at myself with how much space I took up with my overflowing dress and veil. It was so hot. I couldn’t wait to fling off all my clothes and cool off.