But I didn’t know how I’d react if I saw him.
I stopped at the rock before entering the secret entrance.
“James?” I called out a couple of times. I couldn’t raise my voice in case other vampires heard me. They wouldn’t be too happy if they saw me.
After a minute, I gave up and started to walk back toward my car,
“Alana,” said a soft voice.
I spun around, seeing him standing at the entrance of the cave. His loincloth was torn in several places as he leaned to the side, his body lanky and muscular. My pulse raced at seeing him again. His familiar face was shaped perfectly, and his striking red eyes made me feel like prey when he gazed at me.
“James,” I said in a low voice. He walked over to me, staying careful to remain hidden under the bed of rocks.
“What are you doing here?” he asked, gazing at me like he couldn’t believe I was there.
I could tell he was breathing hard, affected by my presence. I couldn’t believe I was seeing him again too. I noticed scars all over his arms, and my eyes roamed his body- noticing his body had welts and bruises.
“Oh my god, what happened to you?” I said, rushing over to him and walking around him to inspect. His back was covered in old scars and healing wounds like he had been whipped.
“I took my punishment for helping you,” he shrugged like it was no big deal at all.
“No, oh no,” I cried, holding my hand to my mouth in horror. It looked so painful, and I felt sick to my stomach that he had to take all that punishment because of me. “I’m sorry, James.”
“Hey, it’s okay,” he said, grasping my forearm.
His touch sent shockwaves through my body, reminding me of what we once had. We locked eyes for a moment, my heart pounding fast. Then I pulled my arm away, which he released instantly.
It was awkwardly quiet for a moment as we gazed into each other’s eyes, not sure what to say.
“How have you been?” I asked, breaking the silence. I swallowed nervously because my throat was dry.
“Here and there,” he said vaguely. “Volgriff is still pissed off, but I’m helping out with odd jobs for him. Like making sure his betas are alive and fed before the massive feedings, he does with his followers. I’d rather put them out of their misery, but it is what it is.”
“Oh, not fun,” I said. I opened my mouth to say something about his babies, but I closed my mouth again. I couldn’t do it. I couldn’t bring myself to tell him. His eyes roamed to my lips, and he took a step towards me. I quickly placed a hand on his chest, stopping him. “We can’t.”
“It won’t get me in trouble,” he said gruffly, grasping my hand. Then his eyes widened with realization. “Are you mated?”
I nodded silently.
“Are they treating you well?”
“Yes,” I said.
He released my hand and nodded with a serious look in his eyes.
“Then it’s time we say goodbye to each other,” he said. “Thank you for coming by to see me.”
“Yes, of course,” I said, and he turned away from me. I turned away, too, slowly heading back to my car with tears flowing down my face. My heart hurt, and my tears wouldn’t stop.
I felt for James like I’ve never felt for anyone before.
Then I felt his cold hand grab mine, and I turned back to face him, wiping my tears with my oversized black sweater.
“I didn’t mean to make you cry,” he said softly, gazing at my face. I swallowed. “I still think of you, Alana. Every moment of every day. I think of you when I wake up and go to sleep at night. Don’t think for a second that I don’t care.”
His confession overwhelmed me, but it was happening to me too. I wondered how it was possible that he could be my fated mate like Lio. It couldn’t be. It could not work even if we wanted it to happen.
“I…you have twin babies,” I said, sniffling.