I looked away from the babies, terrified to hold the vampire one.
“Sweetheart dear, time to meet your babies,” said Grandma. “You need to feed your little boy.”
I froze. I couldn’t do it. Tears blurred my eyes as I stared at the blankets, hearing his cries.
“I can’t,” I muttered. From the side of my eye, I saw Markus walking to the side of the bed, and then he put a weight between my arms. The baby stopped crying, and I was scared to look.
“Little omega, look at your baby,” said Markus gruffly. “He loves you already. He knows your voice.”
The tears fell harder, my heart heavy as Owen dabbed my face with a tissue.
I finally turned my head to look.
The baby’s eyes were a calmer shade of red now, his little mouth opening and closing in a sucking motion. He was like a little bird, searching for food as he pressed his mouth against my arm. His pale face was so small, and I stared at him in wonder and amazement.
My heart grew ten sizes, wanting to feed and take care of this baby that I pushed out on my own.
Right now, no one matter but my baby. Not Lio, not anyone.
“Hush, baby Jay,” I whispered, kissing his little cheek, and he cooed upon the skin contact. I pulled my blanket down, exposing my breast to feed him.
“What if he drinks blood?” muttered Markus.
The baby latched onto me, sucking with his tiny bird lips.
“Oh, it’s painful,” I said, gritting my teeth as he sucked. It felt like the milk was straining to come out, burning within me.
“It will get easier, I promise, dear,” said Grandma, cooing at the little girl in her arms. “You’re doing so good, Alana. I’m so proud of you.”
As I paced around the driveway, my brain was in shambles. This was unfixable. She betrayed and lied to me.
This omega had no problem lying to me since the day I found out she was pregnant.How the fuck did she keep a straight face the entire time? Did she think this was a joke?
I fumed as I sat in my car and leaned my head against the steering wheel.
“Fuck!” I yelled, banging my head against the headrest.
There was no way we would make this work.
Did she even have real feelings the entire time I touched her? Or was this a ploy for me to take care of her?
I needed to know the truth. I needed to know how she ended up in this situation and if this vampire violated her. If she was violated, I was going to kill him. But if she willingly slept with him….that was punishable by law.
I took a few deep breaths before getting out of my car. Alana needed my help in a time like this. I walked into the house, not seeing anyone in the living room. They must have all gone upstairs.
I cleaned up the mess on the hardwood floor, taking out some of my frustrations. I was sweating bullets as I washed my hands and splashed my face with cold water. I could hear one of the babies upstairs crying, and my heart wrenched with pain for Alana. We needed to give the vampire baby to his father, and that was it. Or else we would all be executed if she kept the baby.
When I walked into the room shortly after, there was silence except for the sounds of the baby girl suckling on Alana’s breast. The second baby was sleeping soundly between Alana and Owen in the middle of the bed. Markus stood protectively over Alana with his arms crossed as he glared at me. Her grandmother was fussing with the mess in the room, picking up various things here and there. But everyone stopped as they stared at me walking in.
The tension in the room was heavy.
My eyes met Alana’s, and I could see the tired lines on her face. Her dark hair tumbled around her bare shoulders, her eyes puffy and exhausted from her tears. God, she was so beautiful even when she wasn’t all dolled up. She had a natural beauty that I adored and loved. She wasmyomega.
“Stay right over there,” said Markus, immediately blocking her from sight.