Matched to The Pack
My hands trembled as I pierced the marshmallow under the watchful eye of my crush.
Lionel was my only friend on this overnight campfire trip with fellow high schoolers. The fire crackled, illuminating the little campsite on the beach. The girls and guys were flirting shamelessly around us. Some teens were screaming and running around after we listened to a few ghost stories.
“Mind if I take care of that for you?” asked Lio, looking inquisitively at the squished marshmallow and my sticky fingers.
My heart skipped a beat at the unexpected request, but I managed to nod and passed him the stick with a smile tugging at my lips. His fingers brushed mine briefly, sending an electric jolt through me. Even though our mothers were best friends, I always felt a little nervous around Lio growing up. Recently, I’d been feeling more towards him as his inner alpha wolf emerged, signaling me with his scent, and I began perfuming as an omega at puberty. It was getting harder to control ourselves aroundeach other. Little sly glances, winks, and smiles during our entire last year of high school made me nervous.
“You do it so well,” I complimented as I watched him. I noticed his chest puffing with pride from my praise, and my inner omega rejoiced at giving him that praise. I wondered if he would kiss me tonight for the first time in our tent.
He held the marshmallow above the flames, and I watched as he expertly rotated it, the fire casting a warm glow on his face. It was mesmerizing seeing him focused on such a simple task.
“Here you go,” he said, handing the stick to me, and I blew the top of it.
“Thank you,” I said.
With a small smile, I inhaled the marshmallow, savoring the moment. As I bit into the warm, gooey treat, a burst of sweetness enveloped my taste buds. I closed my eyes momentarily, relishing the flavors dancing on my tongue.
When I opened my eyes, Lio was watching me intently, a soft smile playing on his lips.
“It’s amazing,” I said, unable to hide the delight in my voice.
He chuckled, his eyes twinkling. “I’m glad you like it. How about I set up our tent now?”
“Sure,” I said, nodding while my heart tremored in my chest.
I sat at the fire alone, watching the rowdy teens pair off or hang out in groups. I could see the shadows in one tent of a couple already getting it on, and I quickly turned away, my face hot. I was still a virgin, and I hoped Lio didn’t have any weird ideas up his sleeve once I was in that tent with him. I don’t think he was even aware of my intense feelings for him. Music was blaring, and teen boys were smashing beer bottles on the rocks for fun.
I decided I needed to walk away for a little bit.
Dropping the stick into the campfire, I walked away from the campsite and headed towards a more secluded area surroundedby large rocks. The farther I walked, the more peace and calm came over me from the quiet. I wasn’t wearing any shoes, so the sand rubbed between my toes. I wore a simple green dress that flared from my waist, stopping just above my knees. I took forever trying to find something to wear today until my twin brother, Adam, got suspicious.
As I sat on a boulder, I stared out at the ocean. Water splashed on my feet as I leaned back, watching the waves.
But the roar of the ocean waves disguised the sounds of the guys who’d followed me. I didn’t know anyone had followed me until I felt a tap on my shoulder. I spun around, seeing three teenage boys who had snuck up behind me.
“Yes?” I said, my voice pleasant as I sat back down on the boulder.
“An omega like you shouldn’t be alone,” one of the boys leered at me, coming close to me. I could tell he was a beta. It was by the way his shoulders slumped and as the smallest of the pack. He had a pointy chin and beady eyes.
I tried to get up from the rock, but his other two friends surrounded me on both sides.
“What are you doing?” I asked, my eyes darting everywhere. Looking for an escape route. My heart was pounding hard, and my body was screaming that I was in a dangerous situation. “Do you need anything?”
“I heard omegas are sluts,” cackled one of the boys, his hand on my thighs. One of the other boys began pulling my dress up.
“Stop, please,” I begged, but they continued to tug at my clothes, exposing me to them. My heart sank. My stomach clenched in fear. I tried to hop off the rock and run, but they pinned me down onto the boulder, spreading my legs. “Stop!”
I opened my mouth to scream, but someone’s palm covered my mouth, pressing my head against the hard rock. I wiggledand squirmed, trying to get away, but I was no match for three males.
This was it. This was the day I was going to die.
I would be in the papers tomorrow. Just another omega raped or kidnapped. I tried biting his hand over my mouth but to no avail. They had already removed my underwear. I felt like I was living an out-of-body experience as I shut my eyes tight.