I hopped on the bed, scared of whatever was happening in the house. I’ve always felt like something was off in the house but I never felt a tugging on my clothes or anything like that before.
I hadn’t seen Caleb ever since the spanking, and my heart was pounding hard in my chest at the thought of seeing him. I was wearing jeans with paint all over it and suddenly worried about how I looked.
Screw the damn ghosts. I quickly got off my bed and ran to my boxes. I didn’t have time to organize anything, but I quickly sifted through several clothes until I could find something decent.
I changed into a pair of white leggings and a black low-cut shirt. It was the best I had for now. Looking in the mirror, I untied my ponytail and fluffed my long black hair around my shoulders. I looked okay, just a little plain, so I put on a little bit of makeup to enhance my eyes. I had no idea why I was panicking, but I didn’t want to look terrible when he came over for the first time in days.
Within minutes, I heard the front door opening, and I took a deep breath before heading over to the living room.
“Jade,” he said, his gaze raking over my body from head to toe- lingering on my breasts. My face warmed and I bit my lip.
To my alarm, Caleb looked like he hadn’t slept in days.
His usually neat hair was mussed around his head, and he wore a gray shirt that looked like it needed to be washed. His black sweatpants hung loose around his waist like he couldn’t care less about his appearance.
“Everything is fine now,” I said hastily. “The contractors left, and I was just wondering if you could get us a couple of new workers.”
“Are you okay? I heard you scream on the phone,” he said, walking towards me- his eyes never leaving me.
I gulped.
“I’m okay,” I said and thought to lie about it. “My clothes just got caught on something.”
“Alright,” he said slowly. Then he turned to see the work I’d done in the house. “Wow, with the couch, rug, and the painting. It all just comes together.”
“Do you like it?” I asked hesitantly as he admired my handiwork.
“Very nice,” he said, turning to me. “I can see what you can achieve without my pack distracting you.”
“I’m glad you approve,” I said, pleased that he liked it. Caleb pulled out a wad of cash from his pocket and handed it to me. “I can’t accept that. You’re already letting me stay here. I don’t need all that.”
“Take it,” he said, and I quietly put it in the kitchen drawer without counting it. After he left, I’d count the money without feeling too guilty.
“Thanks,” I said.
“Take a walk outside with me?” he suggested.
We walked towards the back of the house, past the double kitchens, as he held the doors open for me. When our arms brushed each other, I felt a flutter in my soul. The air was thick and heavy with tension. I wasn’t sure if it was just my imagination or if he also felt the sexual tension.
It was a sunnier day today, instead of the gloomy rain we’d had for days. We walked along the cement pathway as it wound down between plants.
“Would make a beautiful garden one day,” he said.
“I like walking out here to clear my mind sometimes,” I said, inhaling the fresh air with the sun on my skin.
“Do you?” he asked, looking at me with bloodshot eyes.
“Yes. But how about you? You look like you haven’t gotten any sleep.”
He stopped walking, and I stopped alongside him.
“Because I couldn’t sleep,” he said slowly, his eyes on me. I could see his eyes darken as he stared at me. My heart beat faster, and I tried to take deep breaths to fight the impending desire. “I have been thinking about you.”
Now my heart was literally thumping out of my chest. I had no idea what to think as my brain scrambled for something to say.
“Why? What’s wrong?” I asked. I was filled with nervousness and concern for him but also scared of his answer.