“I smell your nervousness,” said Jack, gripping my elbow in support. “You look absolutely stunning, baby.”
“Thank you,” I said in a low voice. “I hope I don’t do anything stupid. I’m not one to be graceful.”
“Remember you have our love and support every step of the way,” said Ryan from behind me. He rubbed my back softly. “Nothing you do will be embarrassing.”
“Is it time now?” asked Mason. “I want to get this party over with so we can cuddle Vee and the baby later.”
“Mhm, that sounds very appealing,” said Alex, kissing Lacy on the cheek. “I want to ditch this party too.”
“No, we’re doing this,” I said sternly. “We have all the time in the world to cuddle. Just behave nicely with the other packs and be nice. No rivalry, okay?”
“Alright, it’s time,” said Jack, opening the front door. Jack and Alex walked out first to the cheering of the crowd.
As soon as I stepped out of the house, the crowd erupted in cheers and clapping. Music blared from every corner of the large front yard. I smiled, surrounded and protected by my pack, as I lifted Lacy in the air for the crowd to see. My core was still weak, but I was gaining strength every day.
“Ahhh,” said the ladies when they saw my little bundle.
I was so proud of my baby. She didn’t cry at all as I hugged her to me. She was quietly observing her surroundings at one-month-old. Her hair was bright red like Alex's and mine. Her nose was regal and straight.
One by one, the packs with their omegas came to congratulate me. Jade introduced her friends Keera and Tiana, who showed up with their packs. Children ran everywhere, chasing each other down or trying to get into the huge pool despite an adult guarding it.
“Congratulations,” said Keera, who had long black hair and wearing a strapless red dress. “This is my pack, and this is Jatix.”
Her pack leader had straight white hair with the most intense purple eyes I’d ever seen.
“Congratulations,” said Jatix, shaking Alex’s hand and the rest of my pack. I noticed he also had a delta in his pack, and Liam naturally gravitated toward him. Soon they were both laughing and sharing stories from what I could hear.
“She’s the cutest little thing,” said Tiana, touching Lacy’s hair. “Congratulations. Having a baby always changes the dynamics of a family.”
Tiana wore a lovely emerald dress, and her hair was curled around her shoulders. Her brown eyes looked kind.
“It does,” I said. “It feels more like a family. The house feels full and cozier.”
“She described it right,” said Keera smiling.
“This is Grant, my pack leader,” said Tiana, grabbing her alpha’s hand and pulling him over to me to say hi.
There were so many people at the party I felt a little overwhelmed, but I smiled graciously as I shook Grant’s hand. He was built like a linebacker with rich brown skin and curly black hair that shined under the bright sun. He was well put together.
Jack scowled as he saw me shake Grant’s hand, and I couldn’t help but let out a giggle.
“Congratulations,” said Grant in his deep voice. “I remember the day we had our twins like it was yesterday.”
“Thank you,” I said, laughing as Jack placed himself in front of me. He wasn’t discreet at all.
“Lots of alpha energy around here,” said Keera.
“Let’s go to the fancy chairs I set up,” said Jade proudly, leading us toward them. Jade was wearing a feathered blue skirt with a plain blue shirt. She looked colorful and lively.
There were several chairs covered in white cloth with gold bows in the back of them, set in a large circle around tables of food.
“You did an amazing job,” I said, unable to take my eyes off her handiwork.
“Way more fun than nursing,” she said jovially.
I sat between Keera and Tiana as Jade ran off to bring me some food. More ladies and packs came to congratulate me, coming over to where I sat in the chair. There was a pile of gifts covered in glittering pink paper sitting on a table against the wall of Jack’s mansion. I never had anything special done like this for me, and tears immediately sprung to my eyes.
“Oh no, what’s wrong?” asked Tiana, touching my arm.