Page 236 of Omega for the Pack

“Take the test Vee,” said Jack as Alex tried to hand me the pregnancy test.

“Don’t be difficult,” said Alex.

It had only been two weeks, and I was sure it was too early. They were overreacting.

“I’m not pregnant,” I said as Gabe jumped up and down, trying to grab the test.

“If you don’t take the test,” started Alex. “I will personally sit you down on the toilet and make you pee on it.WhileI’m there.”

He sounded serious, with a tone of urgency in his voice.

“Fine,” I sighed, knowing he wasn’t joking. “It’s way too early, but I’ll take it. Can someone get Gabe? He’s about to poke the cat in the eyes again.”

We had gotten Gabe a pet cat to keep him entertained until he had a sibling one day. I wanted a sibling for Gabe.

Especially now that I was settled in with a pack. I made my way into the bathroom on the first floor of the house and locked the door.

After taking the test, I heard a knock on the bathroom door. I rolled my eyes. They were so impatient.

“Did you take it?” asked Alex.

“Yes,” I called. “We need to wait three minutes.”

I washed my hands and carried the test out of the bathroom.

I set it on the dresser, and Alex already had his timer on his phone, counting down the minutes.

My heart was pumping with anticipation and excitement.

I actually had some cramping the other day, which Jade told me was a sign of pregnancy. Jade knew her stuff as a nurse. It boggled my mind that she didn’t like her job. As an omega, that was a hard feat to accomplish. Without a pack for protection, I struggled on Howl’s Edge. Living with the humans, I was able to be free and do my own thing. It felt nice while it lasted.

The timer went off, and my heart beat like rapid fire.

I watched as Alex picked up the test from the dresser, his eyes wide as he stared at it.

“What does it say?” I asked, my heart sinking as I still sat on the edge of the bed.

“It’s positive,” he said slowly, dropping the test. His face broke into a wide smile, and my heart felt like it would burst with happiness.

“For real?” asked Jack, looking at me with new wonder in his eyes.

“We did it,” said Mason. “Our sperm is strong as fuck. On the first heat cycle too.”

“Oh goodness,” I said, laughing as Alex carried me in a bear hug. Gabe jumped in, too, pulling my shirt. Then the rest of the men crowded in a huge group hug, with Laurent lifting Gabe in the air. Tears pricked at my eyes, shocked that this was happening to me. I was pregnant with a pack who loved me.

These men would do anything for me, and I knew I was one lucky omega.

It was Saturday,and dropping Gabe off at the palace was the hardest part of my week. Blade was driving the car, and Gabe sat next to me in his car seat, asking me a ton of questions.

Gabe was thriving in Howl’s Edge.

He was able to run free a whole lot more than we were in the human lands. He was mostly outside playing on the sand or in the water. As a mother, that made me happy to see.

I touched my belly, unable to wait for my baby to grow. I loved everything about pregnancy, except when I was sick in the morning. The men were super helpful in the mornings. Jack had begged me not to leave the house today, but I was going to see Gabe off. No matter what anyone said.

So even if I felt a little queasy, I had to come here.

Jack, Alex, Liam, and Ryan were off handling the heat suppressant plants and training. So it was just myself, Blade, Mason, and Laurent hanging out for today. I wanted to spend more time with them, so it was good.