Page 149 of Omega for the Pack

I stood still, trying not to breathe too hard or make any sudden movements, blinking several times to get used to the darkness around me. There was a rank smell in the cave, which smelled horrible, like rotten eggs.

I turned to my right and saw him.

The Shadow Wolf was in the form of a werewolf, standing tall, as high as the cave's roof. This wasn't a normal werewolf. His hairy body was enormous and towered over me. His red, piercing eyes glared at me in the dark above his large snout and dripping fanged teeth. And all around the cave were the scattered skeletons and skulls of his past victims.

Fear gripped me like nothing else.

I stood frozen against the wall, unable to move.

This was real. He was real.



Where was she?I had lost sight of Lyra and Voss while Voss was buying a knitted blanket.

But while looking for the princess, I was suddenly attacked by the villagers.

“Get the fuck off me!” I roared, flinging Wild Wolfmen in every direction.

One of them covered my mouth with their hairy hands, blocking me from making a noise, while three others tackled me to the ground. They had superhuman strength that I had never come across before.

While on the ground, the Wild Wolfman started grabbing me by the arms and trying to force me down.

Rain whipped in my face as I punched him, and he howled, grasping his face. Another Wolfman grabbed me from behind.

They were relentless and crawling onto me like ants.

My arms ached with fatigue as I threw him off, and then I ran out of there. I nearly slipped on the muddy banks as my legs pumped beneath me.

I needed to get to the stone tower. Kodan needed to know what a dickwad his packmate Voss was. He would have a better understanding of what the fuck was happening.

As I sprinted to the tower, I saw Kodan fiddling with the keys to his tower, carrying a dead deer over his shoulder. Blood was splattered all over his bare chest.

The fuck. He was the definition of a sigma mountain man.

“Hello, Luke. Are you starting to trust our pack a little more with the princess?” said Kodan sarcastically, his eyes focused on the doorknob.

“No! Hell no,” I shouted, out of breath, when I finally reached him. I looked behind me to see if any of the villagers followed me and saw that they didn’t dare follow me to Kodan’s tower.

Kodan turned to me, raising his eyebrows.

“You look shaken there. Tell me what’s going on.”

“Your henchman, Voss, had me attacked,” I shouted, unable to calm down. Sweat beaded down my back despite the rain soaking through my black shirt. The villagers had even taken my gun. “Voss took Lyra somewhere. I have no idea where the fuck he took her.”

Kodan dropped the deer with a loud squelch. His eyes widened, and his chest puffed up.

“He’s taken her,” he said, his mouth thinned with anger. “I told him we were done with that.”

“Taken her where?”

“To the Shadow Wolf as the omega sacrifice.”

“What the actual fuck?” I shouted. I began running in the direction of the ocean, with Kodan following close behind on my heels to save the princess.
