“May I be excused?” I said, getting up and carrying my plate. “I’m drained and would love to rest tonight.”
“Yes, of course,” said Jatix quickly, focusing on Silus. Darius looked equally pissed off. I didn’t care how angry they were right now. I was angrier. Throwing away the paper plate, I quickly ascended the stairs. I needed to get away. To think about my situation and figure it out.
Once I was in the room that I was assigned, I didn’t dare look at the nest. I didn’t want to make myself comfortable at all here.
I dug around the drawers for something to wear and found a small pocket knife in the top drawer. I set it back down and looked in all the drawers for pajamas. I finally found a stack of them folded up. There were just sheer nightgowns and lingerie. I chose a red nightgown with the most coverage in case anyone came in. I made sure there were tags on it first too. I removed my dress, pulling on the soft little gown that went down to my knees. It wasn’t the most flattering, but it was better than anything I wore back home.
I turned the lights off and laid in the soft bed.Gosh, it felt so good.I stretched flat on my back, closing my eyes and feeling it. I had no idea how long this fantasy life would last for me.
The men had clearly never been serious about anyone before.
What reason did they have to respect me at all?On top of that, Jatix wanted someone to carry babies for him. I had no idea if I was capable of even doing that. As a doctor, I knew taking heat suppressants for a long time could prevent an omega from having babies in the future. Studies were done on omegas who had taken the pills until they were in their forties and had been rendered infertile later in life.
I took more than one a day, which was way more than the required dosage. I was twenty-seven, but that was still dangerous. It would be a dream come true if I ended up having a baby. Well, next to being a doctor, of course. But my happiness didn’t matter.
I was just a leftover omega purchased from an auction.
The following day,I rummaged around the room for a pair of pants. But all I saw were dresses. Dresses made me feel open and vulnerable. Giving up, I pulled a black and white dotted summer dress from the hanger. The house was quiet as I tiptoed down the stairs. I didn’t want to announce my presence, especially if the pack was still sleeping.
There was no one downstairs. I wondered where they all were. It was pretty early in the day, so that would explain it. They could be sleeping or at work. I spotted a set of keys on the fireplace mantel. They were the keys to Jatix’s car. I knew it was his because of the braided lanyard he had attached to them. While he was driving yesterday, I noticed it.
I fantasized about taking the keys and running away. After all, this pack didn’t like me.They had tons of females before. What was I to them?Maybe Jade and her family could help meout if I left. They could pool together some money and purchase me away from this pack.
I carefully lifted the keys, trying not to make a racket of myself. Walking to the front door of the house, I quietly snapped the locks open and walked out to the front to the sleek sports car of Jatix’s.
Razor-focused, I twisted the key into the driver’s side and quickly hopped inside. I softly shut the door and placed the key into the ignition.
I nearly screamed when I felt a hand on mine, stopping me. The hand was attached to Silus, sitting there with a smirk on his face.
“What the hell are you doing here?!” I shrieked.
It had taken the little omega forever this morning, but she fell into my little trap. I had to test her loyalty to the pack, and it was the only way. Seeing the look of shock on her face made my dick hard.
“The question is. What the hell areyoudoing here?” I countered, clasping her hand tight in mine. She looked so damn juicy in her little dress. My gaze instantly went to her legs outlined by the dress.
“Please don’t tell Jatix,” she pleaded, looking up at me with her long eyelashes.
I slowly pulled the keys out of her grasp without hurting her. I inhaled her heavy orange scent getting thicker by the minute. This omega was getting aroused. I held the keys in my other hand and pulled the lever on her chair, tilting it back. She tried to open the door, but I held her hand fast in mine.
“You failed the test, little omega,” I muttered, hovering over her. "I left the keys out for you."
“What test?” she spat out. I could tell she was livid.
“A test of loyalty,” I said. “I knew there was no way an omega from an auction would care about her pack. You were ready to run.”
Fuck, she looked so tempting under me.
Her ample breasts were pushed up in her dress after I leaned her chair back. The outline of her breasts made it damn near impossible to think straight. I wanted to stuff my face in the middle. Or ride my dick in the middle of her juicy breasts. We needed to get this introduction ceremony started already. I wanted a good look at her entire body.
Head to toe, belly to pussy. I needed to see all of her. Opened up thoroughly for us.
“Idocare,” she insisted. “It's because you said you’ve never been in a serious relationship, so I thought none of you would even care about me. I’m just the omega from an auction.”
“You'renotjust an omega from an auction,” I said.Did she really think of herself that way?“We’re grateful you’re here, and I don’t want to see you go.”