“If she’s pregnant, do you want a boy or a girl?” Sam asked Wesley.
“I wouldn’t mind either, but an alpha would be a nice addition to our family,” said Wesley.
I rolled my eyes. They sounded a little too excited at the prospect. I didn’t think I was pregnant. It was probably the steak from last night not sitting well with me. Just a little food poisoning, that’s all.
I stared at the timer on Sam’s phone as he held it between us.
It was getting closer—one more minute.
My breathing accelerated as I watched the timer. Three. Two. One.
“It’s time,” said Sam.
I walked to the bathroom, the men following behind me. Lifting the test, I stared at the word displayed on the screen:
“Oh my god,” I said, holding my mouth in shock.
“What does it say?” asked Wesley breathlessly. I held the test up toward them. Straight away, big smiles came across their faces. I was in pure shock. I know I shouldn’t be in shock since I did nothing to prevent it, but I didn’t think it could happen this fast.
Dizziness blurred my vision again, and I held the counter for balance. Wesley rushed over to me, holding my arm.
“We’re going to have a baby,” said Sam, a dreamy look coming over his face.
“I’m not feeling so well,” I said. “Need to go back to bed.”
We walked out of the bathroom with Wesley and Sam on either side of me, helping me get back to bed.
“Grant is going to be over the moon,” said Wesley. “Tiana, I’m sorry you’re not feeling well, and you have to be the one to suffer. But in the end, it’ll be amazing!”
“Thanks for your comforting words,” I said, smiling through my dizziness. I imagined holding a tiny baby in my arms, my tummy round with pregnancy. Laying on the bed, Sam tucked me into the blankets.
“I’ll make you ginger tea,” said Wesley, leaving the room with a bounce to his step.
A little bit of excitement was starting to course through me. And also fear.
As my head cleared, I looked at Sam as he was scrolling through his phone with his other hand around me. His face had a glow to it.
“I’m booking an appointment for you at the Omega Birthing Center,” he said.
“There’s a specific hospital for omegas?” I asked. “How come?”
“Omegas are built differently with wider hips to carry alpha babies,” he said. “If there is an emergency, a hospital catered to omegas is the best option.”
“I have to tell my parents about this,” I said, starting to panic. “We need to fly to Seattle as soon as possible.”
“Are you freaking out, Tiana?” said Sam, setting his phone down.
“Just a little,” I whined, laying on his chest for comfort. He began purring softly with his body, its vibrations calming my racing heart.
“Tell Grant tonight and see what he says,” said Sam. “If he flips out, I’ll beat him up for you.”
I giggled.
“Do you think he’ll get upset that I want to see my family?” I asked, and my stomach somersaulted with nervousness at the thought.
“Na, I don’t think so,” said Sam, rubbing my stomach. “I can’t wait until you start to swell with our baby in you. You’re going to look so hot.”