Page 416 of Omega for the Pack


Breathing hard through my nose, I swiped my phone from my bed with shaking hands. I tried dialing Ryder’s number, but my fingers were wet. Rubbing my hands on my towel, I tried again.

Harsh knocking sounded at the door, and I instantly dropped my phone, which slipped from my wet hands.

“Get out of my house!” I screamed. Silence on the other side.

I watched in horror as the person tried jiggling the doorknob.Oh, hell no. Picking up my phone from the floor, I ran to the walk-in closet and shut the door. I sat in front of the door, leaning my back against it as I tried to dial Ryder’s number again. My vision was blurry from my panic, and my hands wouldn’t stop shaking as I held the phone to my ear.

Ryder answered on the first ring.


“There’s someone in my house,” I whispered shakily, trying to speak above the noise of the banging at the door. “I’m in my bedroom, and he’s trying to get in. Please come.”

“I’m already halfway to your house,” he said in a firm voice. “Get inside your closet.”

“Okay, I am,” I said.

“Wrap a bunch of clothes around your arm in case they come at you with a knife,” he ordered.

I scrambled around my closet, pulling glittery dresses off the racks in my panic. I tried to wrap them around my arms, but then I heard the banging at the door get even louder. I kept dropping the clothes and picking them up again.

Louder rattling as he fiddled with the doorknob. I tried to wrap the clothes around my arms as best I could. I scrambled to pick up the phone.

“Okay, I did it,” I said as the glitter scratched my arms.

“Good girl. It’s in case you have to lift your arm to block off a knife attack,” he said.

“Okay,” I whispered.

“Stay on the line with me, Lacy. Don’t hang up,” he said, and I heard him bark commands to his pack while I stayed on the line with him. I sat huddled in the closet for what seemed like an eternity. I closed my eyes, listening to the banging and the shaking of the doorknob.

Emotions ran through me, especially rage.Who the hell did he think he was?

“Leave!” I screamed again, clutching the phone tight in my hands. “You jackass!”

“Don’t antagonize him. I’m almost there.”

Just then, I heard my bedroom door crash open.

My heart raced through the roof as I sat there, trying to breathe quietly. I was a dead omega tonight.

That was all there was to it.

I envisioned my parents crying over my stabbed body and my brother losing his mind with grief. Tears flowed down my cheeks. I waited for the killer to burst into the closet, and I braced myself, pressing my back against the door.

I sat up straighter, trying to hear what was going on. Then I heard my front door slam open and footsteps running upstairs.

“Lacy,” shouted Ryder’s voice.

Sighing hugely in relief, I unwrapped the clothes from my arms and stood up on shaky legs. I was scared to open the closet door if the stalker was still lurking there. So I stood there trembling until Ryder opened the door. At the sight of his face, tears of relief ran down my face.

I threw myself at him, hugging him around the waist.

He pressed his nose to my neck and purred deeply into me. Low rumbles of his purr vibrated through my body, calming every nerve inside me.

“Where is he?” I said in a low voice, still unable to let go of Ryder. I wanted to rub my face in his chest and drink in his calming presence.