“It’s fine,” I said shortly, and the alphas finally stopped trying to make conversation with me. I wasn’t in the mood right now. “You all don’t need to come with me to the funeral.”
“Wherever Alana goes, we go,” said Lio. “Without question.”
“Sounds dandy,” I said, and Alana glanced up at me with pain in her eyes. I knew she wished I could get along with her alphas, but it just wasn’t happening right now. I wanted her with my entire soul, and sharing her love with alphas sickened me.
When we reached my secluded community between the mountains, the vampires waiting for their warriors watched usin silence. They were staring at the werewolves walking in with me and at their dead leader in my arms.
Volgriff’s aunt, Fran, and Volgriff's brother rushed to me with horror etched onto their faces.
“What happened?!” screamed Fran, clutching her white hair.
“He died during battle,” I explained. The brother silently took him from my arms. The vampires assembled before me, staring at the alphas and the omega.
“What isshedoing here?” said the brother snidely, giving Alana a dirty look. I stood in front of Alana, blocking her from everyone’s gaze.
“We are not to touch her or her alphas. The government had agreed to allow us to live in peace amongst them,” I said, and the brother spit on the sand.
“Fuck no,” he said. “We will stay here until the day we die. There’s no fucking way we’ll live under their mercy.”
They had just dealt with a severe loss, and I needed to be patient.
Volgriff’s brother took the body from my arms before the funeral. They were grieving, and rightly so. The other vampires stood there expectantly, looking at the stone necklace on my neck and waiting for me to command.
To lead them.
“Volgriff gave me this necklace before he passed,” I said.
They somberly bowed their heads at the mention of their beloved leader. The one who couldn’t do anything wrong, even though I disagreed with him so many times.
“What are you going to do now?” asked a young vampire in his teens.
“You all need to start with mind-wiping all the captured betas and setting them free.”
It wasfrightening seeing the number of betas they had captured into cages.
I watched as each beta stumbled out of the vampire encampment one by one, looking confused after being mind-wiped by the vampires at the cage entrance. I found a large boulder to sit on while Markus paced around in front of me. I knew this wasn’t easy for James as I watched him barking out orders to the vampires. They were hesitant to obey him at first since he took away their main meals, but the necklace he was wearing seemed to hold much significance to them, so they had to respect him.
The funeral was a somber event as we stood off to the side watching when they placed a large black cloth over Volgriff’s house. His body was wrapped in white cloth and set on a pedestal. Three elderly vampires surrounded the body, anointing his face with droplets of oil.
As I watched the proceedings, I thought about my relationship with James. I didn’t want it to be over just because he was the leader now of his people now. I knew it was irrational to be together, but my heart wouldn’t let me think otherwise.
Later that night, as I hung out with Markus- I saw Lio and James talking in the distance.
“What are they talking about?” I said out loud.
“No idea,” said Markus, with his hand on the small of my back. “But I’m getting tired as fuck. We should be going home soon.”
But without James?I thought silently.
My heart pounded faster as Lio and James approached us in the night.
“We’ve come to an agreement,” said Lio.
“Umm, what kind of an agreement?” I asked, confused.
“I can tell you’re very much in love with James,” said Lio. “And you’re much happier than I’ve seen in months.”