“I know, baby,” he said, kissing me on the lips. “I’m sorry.”
“I want him to see his babies again,” I said.
“It would be very dangerous to bring them,” said Lio. “Markus and I will be going with you to the staking. Owen can stay with the twins. I’m not risking the babies’ lives.”
He was right. It would be risky to do that as a mother.
That night I tossed and turned, ready to feed the babies if any one of them woke up. While I fed Jay in the middle of the night, I stared at his little face thinking about his father, who would be unjustly killed tomorrow.
His father was going to die.
I pressed a hand to my mouth to stop myself from sobbing out loud, feeling sorry for the little baby who would never know his father. After putting Jay to sleep, I got up for a glass of water. I couldn’t sleep, and my mind was racing way too much. I made my way downstairs and into the kitchen. My heart was heavy as I sipped on the water, unable to shake off the horrible heavy feeling. I knew my feelings would worsen once James was gone from this world.
I pressed a hand to my racing heart, wishing all this would disappear.
The entire island was there to watch the execution and staking of James. I felt sick to my stomach as Markus waded through the crowd so I could be at the front. I needed James to see that I was there.
It would give him some sense of comfort.
As we walked through the sweaty mass of people, my eyes were on James. He was shackled by his wrists to two giant stakes on the ground. His face shined with sweat from the sun, and his eyes no longer glowed with mischief. His eyes were downcast as he gazed at his feet, waiting to die.
I noticed with horror that the executioner was sharpening a wooden stake in his hands. King Armon was there wearing festive red robes. He looked much older as he gazed at the proceedings with delight. It had been the most drama that Howl’s Edge had seen in years. His daughter, Princess Lyra, was friends with my mother, and he knew our family. I wasn’t sure what he would think if he found out I was associating with a vampire. I couldn’t risk mine or the babies’ lives. They needed me. We rarely visited his palace since we weren’t that close, but he was friends with my father, Grant.
Once we reached the front of the crowd, my eyes were fully focused on James, willing him to look up at least for a second.
“I’m sorry, Lana,” said Lio. “I wish I could do something to stop this. I really do.”
“It’s just too horrible to watch,” I whispered, and then James looked up. His eyes met mine, and my chest pounded with fear for him. His eyes softened, communicating to me that it would be alright. That he would be okay. I blinked several times, holding back tears as we locked eyes. I didn’t care who was watching us. His face look weak and tired from all his ordeal and sufferings, which would be put to an end today.
“It’s noon,” said Markus, and my attention shifted to the executioner holding the stake. James also looked at him, and my stomach roiled. I was going to feel sick.
“It is time, my people,” said King Armon, who stood before the crowd and held his arms out. I could hear people whispering about the vampire and unable to believe what they were seeing as they stared at him like a spectacle.
My pulse pounded in my head. I watched as the executioner neared James.
I slipped between Lio and Markus, running to stand in front of James. My pulse pounded in my head as I stood under the hot sun on the platform with James behind me. My arms were outstretched to block the executioner. If no one would stand up to this outrageousness, then I would. By god, I would.
“Stop!” I screamed.
“Move, little girl,” said the executioner, leering at me.
“Alana?” said King Armon in shock, his eyebrows raised. “Get down from there right now.”
“This is wrong,” I said. Then louder to the crowd. “This vampire has a good soul, better than any of you. He saved my life.”
Lio and Markus quickly strode to my side, their faces shocked at my boldness.
“Alana,” James croaked from behind me. “I’ll be okay. Don’t do this.”
With fire and determination in my heart, I refused to leave his side.
“Move,” roared the executioner.