“Oh my, are you serious?”
“If it’s a vampire baby, we need to go into hiding,” I said quickly, my words tumbling over each other.
“I’m coming,” said Grandma.
Another contraction squeezed me as I hung up.
I yelled and grunted in pain. I leaned against the birthing ball, which helped ease some of the pain. This hurt way more than I thought it would. I never expected the pain to be so intense and unforgiving.
“I can’t do this,” I groaned to myself when the pain finally released me. The contractions were only seconds apart, and the heaviness between my legs increased. I pressed a hand between my legs and felt hair.
The baby’s head was there.
My blood ran cold as I leaned against the ball in shock. The baby was coming right now. I lay on the floor on my back, and it felt like a balloon stretching below me, ready to burst. The pain was incredible. My breaths came out in gasps as I cradled the baby's head with my hand and pushed. I gritted my teeth and screamed in pain. It felt like every inch of skin was ripping down there.
I heard the front door open.
“In here!” I screamed.
Heavy footsteps ran towards me, and I opened my eyes to see Lio, Markus, and Owen with horrified expressions on their faces seeing me on the ground like this.
“She’s having the fucking baby,” said Markus.
“I knew we should have taken her to the hospital!” screamed Owen.
“Owen, grab blankets,” said Lio, going into professional mode right away while I screamed in agony as the baby’s head came out further. Lio knelt between my legs with serious determination on his face. “Markus, get scissors and boiling water to disinfect. Then purr into her when you’re back. The calming effect will make this easier on her and open her up.”
“It hurts,” I moaned.
“I know, baby,” said Lio. His calming voice reassured me that all wasn’t as dreadful and horrifying as I thought. It felt like my entire world was going to collapse within minutes of giving birth if the baby wasn’t Lio’s. He would know immediately if the baby wasn’t his. “Push Lana.”
I took a deep breath and pushed with all my might. The pain between my legs was unbearable as I screamed.
“Again,” said Lio calmingly. “You’re doing great, baby.”
“Listen to him, sweetheart,” said my grandmother’s voice. I looked up and locked eyes with her. Only she knew my secret.
“What if something happens?” I cried out. Her eyes flashed. She knew what I was talking about.
“You will be strong if anything happens,” she said firmly- in a suck-it-up tone of voice. “You are a strong omega, and you can survive anything. Go ahead and listen to your alpha. Push like you mean it.”
I took another deep breath and bore down with all my strength. I would have this baby, and I would love him or her.
No matter what.
I gritted my teeth and pushed again, my screams echoing throughout the house. When I heard the baby’s cries, my heart beat faster, and tears streamed down my face. My baby was here.
“There she is,” said Lio when the baby plopped onto his arms. He handed the baby to Markus. “Markus, wipe her face down.”
I screamed again in pain when I felt a second heaviness press down my vagina.
“Another one!” shouted Markus in excitement.
“Hold my hand,” said Owen, and I grabbed his hand as I pushed again while Lio peered between my legs. The baby slid right out in the next couple of seconds, and the pain finally dissipated.
“This one is a boy. Here you go,” he said to my grandma.