Page 303 of Omega for the Pack

“Why are we waiting for the full moon?”

“It’ll give me more powers, and I will use the gravitational pull from the moon to free myself from here,” he said, convinced that it would work. I grew terrified at the thought of him escaping this house to wreak havoc on the world with me as his mate. “Do you hear that?”

I strained to hear what he was talking about as I lay there. I could hear faint shouting coming from outside the guesthouse. He was shouting my name over and over. I heard the front door crashing down.

“Caleb,” I whispered. He had come for me. My heart soared in my throat, and I wanted to cry. I stood up naked on wobbly legs.“I’m in here!”

“He won’t be able to come in,” laughed Argon, facing the door. “Soon, you’ll screammyname when I’m deep inside you.”

“Caleb!” I screamed again. I heard pounding on the door.

“Open the door,” Caleb roared from outside the door. I heard them kicking the door and wiggling the doorknob. An unearthly orange glow surrounded the door frame, preventing them from entering.

Argon’s eyes were glued to the door, fully concentrated on keeping them out.

I ran around the room, looking frantically for a weapon while he wasn’t focused on me.

Something. Anything to use as a weapon.

I couldn’t find anything except for a metal paperclip on a desk. Snatching it, I ran towards the pentagram drawn on theground. I looked at Argon and back at the drawing. Then, with clammy hands, I used the paperclip to drag across one of the pentagram lines, breaking the connection.

“What are you doing?!” screamed Argon, turning to me. With his concentration erased, the door finally crashed down. Caleb rushed in, throwing Argon against the wall. Dravin and Nick pounded inside the room. All three of them were holding Argon down.

But Argon was too powerful. He flung them off him one by one, trying to get to me. But Caleb wouldn’t let him.

He launched himself at Argon again.

I scratched the pentagram like crazy with the paperclip. My fingers were sore, and my body was in relentless pain from the heat as I was hunched over the image. My nails scraped against the concrete floor as I rubbed off most of the lines from the drawing.

I heard a loud yell, and I looked up.

Argon was vanishing into a cloud of black smoke, black specks and particles hanging in the air as he disappeared back to where he came from.

“Oh my god,” I said in relief, collapsing on the ground, still fully naked, but I didn’t care.

“Are you okay?” roared Caleb, rushing over to me and kneeling beside me so quickly that I fell onto his arm as he cradled me on the ground. “Jade, talk to me.”

“I’ll be okay,” I said, my throat sore from screaming yesterday and today. No water or food. I was hungry and trembling still from the torture Argon put me through.

“I’m sorry for everything,” said Caleb, his voice thick with emotion. “My mom will be punished accordingly. We will take you inside now and give you whatever you need.”

“But…,” I started to say, but a female’s scream interrupted my words. “Oh my god, it’s your mom.” I jumped off of Caleb’slap, grabbed a sheet from the mattress, and threw it around my body.Did I do something to hurt her?

“Stay here with me, Jade,” said Nick, grasping my wrist and stopping me from joining Caleb and Dravin rushing out of the door. I tried pulling away from him, but he tightened his grip, pulling me to his chest.

“Let me go,” I shouted, pulling away from him. “I’ve gone through torture and worse. Let me go to her.”

Pity filled his eyes as he gazed at me. I was disheveled and worn from last night.

“Okay,” he said, holding my hand as we quickly made our way outside.

Even though it was raining outside, the sun on my face was bright, nearly blinding me. I had been indoors for far too long, stuck with the devil himself. Caleb’s mother was writhing on the ground, holding her forehead, and screaming outside the guesthouse. Caleb was muttering soothing words, trying to get her to calm down.

“She’s having a breakdown again,” he explained.

I ran over to her and dropped to my knees next to her.

“It’s him. It’s Argon torturing her again,” I said. I placed my hand on her forehead, and it felt like I was struck by lightning.