Lucianna and the others encircle Embry, consoling her, knowing it can’t be easy for her to accept or deal with the treachery of his betrayal, deceit, or demise.
I shyly join them, but Raven pulls me into the midst, brushing away my unease. “While we have lost some that we love, we are victorious in our battle.” She raises my hand. “A fearless warrior, one who has proven herself worthy to best the worst we’ve ever done battle with. Three cheers for Taylen,” she says, laughing as the others all begin to chant and cheer.
Embry doesn’t chant, and she doesn’t cheer, but the look in her solemn eyes when they meet mine tell me everything that I need to know.Thank you.
I give her one nod.You’re welcome.
Embry smiles at us all as the ladies talk, but it does not reach her eyes. They see her lips moving and all the right words falling from them, but deep inside, my soul can hear hers crying for the life that could have been and will never be. Part of her heart and soul has died with Lucas.
I glance again at the vampire staked and being carried by the others not far from us, the evil of his essence ebbing out of the shell of his body even through the tarp, tainting the very sanctityof the secret crevice deep inside the mountain range. One that should have remained a secret, a place where only the masters and very few others knew existed, one among many, yes, but still, now one more secret will be known and as a result needs to be destroyed.
Chapter 9
The minute the ladies and Lucas’s remains are clear of the cavern and down the mountainside out of range with the others, Descallia gives the order to destroy our safe haven. No matter how we feel about demolishing something so sacred, a place vampires have come for centuries, not one of us won’t comply. We’ve had to sacrifice other safe havens before when discovered and we’ll probably need to do it again in the future. Master Romano hits a detonator tied to the explosives left behind and a rumbling deep within the mountain begins, crumbling internal rock and debris, closing and burying caverns, crevices, and secrets.
The pummeling pillars of smoke billow from the crevice we’ve just left not moments ago, assuring us that our cavern, thankfully one of many, is now buried deep within the safety of the mountainous walls, and will not be accidentally found by some well-meaning hiker.
I watch as the masters walk toward their respective mates, placing a protective arm about their shoulders, or a hand on their lower back, or just simply holding their hand. Small gestures of dedication and commitment that not long ago, noneof these males would have been capable of showing to just one female. It gives me pause as I follow behind them, unable to keep my eyes from the delectable little heart-shaped ass that sways back and forth in front of me as we all make our way to a clearing at the forest edge to meet the others.
Destiny dangles Taylen’s beauty in front of me at every chance she gets, showing me how beautiful, desirable, and talented she is, both on the inside and out. I shouldn’t have a regret. By now, maybe I should be resigned to my fate, but something has still not shifted into place. I can feel it, something in our pairing is off, and my mind finds it hard to relent while that nagging hesitancy persists knowing it could be Taylen’s happiness with the warriors that is at stake.
No amount of worry about destiny and her match making of fated mates will keep me from my task. I won’t be satisfied until the worst traitor in centuries is buried in ash in the sacred grounds of Slobozia and no one will deter me from that task, until I see it with my own eyes.
Silver, Clay, and Terrance have made our jobs easy tonight by building the pit. The masters and their mates gather around the large hole. They watch as Lucas, once a great and respected vampire, is tossed into the fiery embers below. Embry’s eyes leak with tears too fast to wipe, but still, she tries to keep them at bay, while Lucianna holds her dearest friend close.
I glance at Taylen, whose mind races with relief. The reign of terror and imminent threat to our vampire community is over, but everyone, including me is filled with remorse that Embry’s heart is clearly breaking with every flicker of the fire that turns Lucas to the dark ash he so rightfully deserves.
When Lucas is completely burned, roasted to eternity where all dark-souled traitorous creatures should go, Overmaster Descallia, myself and the rest of the masters finally get a sense of closure. This nightmare of a battle with the rogues ofyesteryear, the orchestrators as they called themselves centuries and centuries ago, is finally over.
The purest of vampires have won. The righteous purebloods, the masters, lords, and warriors will savor this for a very long time, far longer than it will take for the embers in the fiery pit full of ash to die and fade into the greyness of death.
Lucas has been dealt a death worthy of his deeds, staked, and burned. In place of words Overmaster Descallia gives a nod to the group. In the blackness of the night, we come together and transport through the calmness of the dark, and back safely to Club Descallia, where things look unbelievably normal, after the weeks and nights of hell we’ve spent chasing the rogues.
The vampire nightclub pulses with a popular seductive beat while scantily clad dancers sway to the tune as they prance along the stage. We walk to the table that’s reserved for Overmaster Descallia and his party. “A drink and much celebration is in order,” Overmaster Descallia tells us, grinning from ear to ear.
Many lords, from a few of the regions, are dressed in suits and waiting anxiously for our return, to hear all the details since most were forbade to come along tonight. Other vampires from the community are congregated at the bar and small tables enjoying a nightcap while taking in the girls dancing on the stage. But all stop what they’re doing as whispered news of our victory spreads through the club.
All in their own way give small gestures of congratulations and gratitude that this century’s threat is over.
Overmaster Descallia clears his throat, gaining the attention of everyone in the club. “Tonight, drinks are on me. We have slayed the enemies, every last one of them,” Descallia boasts. “The traitors thought they would turn the humans against us, set us at odds with the syndicate boys, and take our place in the underworld. They gravely underestimated the resilience of our masters, of our lords, special teams, and all the loyal warriorswho have worked together and fought so gallantly to end their reign. Tonight, we celebrate the rogues and orchestrators of yesteryear’s defeat!”
Drancus, one of the lords who’s joined us, lifts a glass of Descallia Red in the air. The other vampire leaders at the table join him in the toast, while the waitstaff scurry to fill all the orders coming their way just as my right-hand lord joins us. I turn away from the crowd. “We couldn’t have orchestrated everything without you running things here, Stephan. Thank you. Would you like to join us in a drink?”
He glances around, quietly taking in the celebration and boisterous crowd and tugs at the dress shirt peeking from beneath his suit jacket. “You’re welcome. I can’t stay long but did want to make an appearance.”
Lucianna appears almost ghostlike by my side with a reluctant looking Taylen in tow. Our future queen’s eyes glow green with sincerity as she addresses the entire group. “I want to personally thank you everyone for what you did for the vampire community, and for Embry.” She looks to me first and then to Taylen. “You were both in such imminent danger, but both stood your ground, working together, and putting the needs of the vampires first over your own.”
I glance at Taylen. “We were doing what anyone standing that close would have done.”
“You did not think about it, you just acted, taking the opportunity that Embry provided, and using it quickly. Those reactions, your genuine and sincere dedication to the vampires, in the end, that’s what allowed you to foil the traitor fast enough to put him in the ground. It took a lot of courage to put yourself in harm’s way and keep Embry safeguarded. Thank you, everyone.”
I clear my throat as the leader of this region and master running point on this part of our journey. “I agree with bothOvermaster Descallia and our future queen. It has been a long and painful battle with the rogues this time. The fact they used our own against us. That was an incredibly hard and almost unbelievable pill to swallow. But we have learned from it, have grown wiser from the experience and we will not allow something that treacherous to happen in the future. Everyone in this room,” I seek out the witches with my eyes, “each of you have contributed greatly to the fall of the rogue vampires. In doing this, you have managed to help us safeguard the lives that we all hold dear, whether it be from a vampire or witch perspective, so thank you everyone.”
The witches’ eyes swirl with bright-colored appreciation. I receive a few nods from their masters, who have nothing but love and admiration from their witchy little mates. They have all managed to conquer not only the beasts and traitors who ran amuck in our lands but have been able to quiet that loneliness of being by themselves, finding their fated mates and true loves in the process. While being paired with anyone just a few short days ago was the farthest thing from my mind, I find myself envious of what they’ve found with their mates.
If only I could be so lucky. Destiny though has decided to couple me with a startling beauty who wants to fight to the death for the vampires, not be a female mate by her master’s side. I suck in a deep breath. I shouldn’t have kissed the dark-haired beauty, even if the taste of her lips is burned to memory and haunts my very soul.