I snug my gun into the back band of my jeans, and check the small knife at my ankle, my particular weapon of choice when not dealing with vampires. A little insurance and backup is never a bad thing.
The witches speak low amongst themselves. I watch them for a moment, still uneasy with a suspicion that just won’t let go. Willow, Raven, and Madria are talking quietly as the ladies finish gathering their stuff. Willow turns around and waves a wand at the edge of the tree line. I watch with interest as the forest floor and edge return to their normal states, devoid of the tell-tale campsite, tents, footprints, and other marks that would alert anyone in the underworld that we were here. Helpful, yes, but sneaky too. We’ve learned just how deceitful and cunning they can be over the years.
Their question from last night floats through my mind. “You’re taking us with you? To the sacred place of the vampires, for the night?” They were as surprised at the turn of events as I, but in this, I don’t make all the rules. I’ll have to trust that Overmaster knows what he’s doing. That’s he’s not being duped by the head of the academy for young witches who live inthe Romania region and adjacent to Master Romano’s property along the Carpathian Mountains.
Taylen’s eyes eagerly watch the horizon as the sky darkens even further. I too, am eager to find our enemy and stop his reign of terror. In that we are not so different.
I clear my throat and turn my attention back to the group as a whole. “We’ve had a night of rest, it’s dark enough now. We should go. I want everyone to recheck your weapons. Make sure you have everything in place, and that you are ready to attack at the slightest sound. Lucas will not give you a beat to get your thoughts together. If you see him, you attack first and there will be no taking him alive. You must drive your stake deep and with accurate precision if we are to end him and his desire to turn the vampires back into bloodsucking thieves in the night.
The masters look more than prepared to hunt, and to my interest the witches, at least outwardly, seem genuinely committed as they nod solemnly, holding hands with their vampire mates. But still, how many times have we been tricked by the sneaky witches over the centuries and every time come to regret even the slightest trust?
Overmaster Descallia’s eyes burn red as his mate’s glow crystalline green from his side. He gestures toward the woods and the center of the mountain range. “Agreed, we end this now for good. At least this time, we know where Lucas is headed. We have him outnumbered by many, and we know Embry can’t be far away from him. She’s smart, resourceful, she’ll have taken her chance to best him if able or she’ll lay low until we arrive and will help us end him.”
I won’t argue the point of Embry and her battle skills with Descallia, especially in front of the other masters and their mates, but I’m not convinced that after her betrayal to Lucas he’s willing to walk away and let her live. No matter how resourceful she is or what brilliance she uses.
No, last night, no doubt he was on the hunt for Embry as well as the others. I only hope that for Embry’s sake the traitor didn’t find her, or in her raging fury, she didn’t find him in a trap he set for the woman he now knows betrayed him and gave him up to the vampires. If so, I fear his revenge on Embry will not be pretty.
Masters Romano, Campania, Sardinia, Oradea and Bistrita all talk in low tones with their mates. I don’t miss their words, or the care the masters take in making sure their females are well equipped and ready.
I glance to Taylen, standing off to the side to give the couples their space. More fucking babysitting. I inhale a breath and suck it up. We’re all adults and as long as Taylen doesn’t get in the way, there’s no harm in her coming. At least I’ll be able to keep an eye on her because you don’t have to be a psychic to know that woman is pure trouble.
Master Romano and Bistrita break from the group and walk toward me with a purposeful stride. Romano’s eyes meet mine, flashing with aggravation as he closes the distance. “The witches have helped us along the journey. They’ve even saved us from death and helped us best our enemies in battle after battle with the rogue shifters, Isala, and everyone else who has betrayed us. I wouldn’t vouch for them if I didn’t believe deep in my soul that they could be trusted.”
My forehead crinkles. “Have I given you a reason for worry where they are concerned?”
Romano’s eyebrows raise in challenge. He is nobody’s fool. “Maybe not in so many words or by gesture, but our mates are perceptive. They’re witches, Slobozia. They can read what you don’t say, or do, just as loudly as if you had said it aloud.” He gestures toward the three who stand a short distance away. “Those stones around their necks have helped us determine if we’re on the right path, when to proceed and when to hold backat times, but they also serve to guide the witches regardless of the circumstance. The amber hue is warning them of the animosity in the air. Letting them know to beware and I for one do not appreciate the attitude one bit.”
I heave a sigh. “They’re probably not wrong my friend. I’m trying to have an open mind, but it’s hard not to worry that they’re leading us into a trap when that’s all they’ve ever done.”
Romano starts to say something, but I raise a hand. “No need to defend them, Romano. You’re right. They’ve done nothing that needs defending. I’m the one who needs to get it settled in my mind and start trusting a little. I’m sorry for any undue concern I’ve caused you or your mates. The others have had more time to get to know them. I’ll try to be more trusting.”
Romano extends a hand of truce, while Campania nods. “It’s all good. You’ll get to know them and learn how committed they are to us. It’s easy for us to defend them now, but admittedly we all had reservations when first meeting our mates, as well, given the history between us.”
I outwardly smile, but the hairs on the back of my neck prickle with a sixth sense telling me I may not be as wrong as I am thought to be. “I have clearly offended more than a few females without intending to,” I say as we move toward the females together.
Taylen rubs a booted toe into the sand in front of her while standing a short distance off from the group as the females are joined by their mates, as though not wanting to intrude on their last private moments before we set out into the night, while I prepare a carry bag and find it almost impossible to keep my eyes away from her. I shake the magnetism, because there is work to be done and having a female on your mind when going on a hunt can cost you the war.
The witches’ stones’ lights begin to change, glowing purple in color, the same shade as they did last night. Raven points.“The stones are alerting us with their kaleidoscope pattern that the enemy has headed straight toward the Carpathian Mountain range. There is no doubt that is where our enemy lies.” I take note of her wording, our enemy, as though the witches and us are one. Maybe the masters are right, or maybe the witches are more devious and cunning than we think. Either way it’s just a matter now of strategy and timing, and I wouldn’t say no to a little bit of destiny’s intervention in finding Lucas right now.
Lucianna joins the group. I close the distance to Taylen, intending to provide my newfound charge with some valuable insight and instruction, to give her a few pointers without the crowd listening to the conversation. I get close to the dark-haired beauty and every neuron in my body becomes in tune with every one of hers.
She glances up at me with those silvery eyes tinged with red, causing my chest to pound. It’s clear that it’s going to be up to me to keep the wily female from getting into trouble both from battle and from herself, but with that sultry look it’s going to be tough to keep her safe from me.
Her eyes meet mine straight on and the little mind-reading she-devil already knows exactly what I plan to say. She holds up her hand as though to ward me off, but still, as leader it’s my job to at least try and protect her.
I clear my throat and snug the dagger at my side, focusing what I hope is a firm look, making it clear to the young vampiress who has managed to get under my skin in the most unsettling of ways that I’m not going to deal with any of her back talk.
Her thoughts run rampant, swirling images of her bent over my knee in just silky little panties that I have no doubt are wet to the touch. I suck in a breath. The damn female. I doubt she has any more control over it than me, but still, the damn female. We’re on a mission and that’s enough of that.
“Let’s go over the plan,” I half-growl, hoisting my bag over my shoulder and onto my back.
I stifle a grin at the look of astonishment on her face, that priceless look before that mouth starts to run at a million miles a minute.
Chapter 4
Master Slobozia focuses his dark eyes on me. “Let’s go over the plan.”