Taylen has more than proven she is well trained and ready for a position on the warriors’ team. If that group is resurrected, even after the deep betrayal of their leader to our cause she should be offered a position. There is no denying that fact. I would only be standing in the way of her doing what she loves. I already know there’s no way to stand by and watch the lightfall from those lovely, silvered eyes, knowing that I could have prevented it by staying away and letting her achieve her dream.
The heat of her gaze is like a magnet draw, beckoning me to meet her eyes. It is only by calling on a steadfast resolve that I manage to resist and turn my attention to the other masters as they celebrate the night. For Taylen, I will keep my distance, and just watch her chase her dream from afar.
Chapter 10
Iturn away, defeated as Master Slobozia begins a conversation with some of the other masters, ignoring me completely, clearly able to avoid the connection we have between us at will. I start as a hand taps my shoulder, turning to our future queen. “You were so bad ass,” she says in a whispered voice. “Seriously, all our warriors should have your speed.”
My heart constricts with pride. Just the thought that the future queen of the vampires would take the time to single me out again and thank me personally. “I’m humbled, and for once a little at a loss for words,” I tell Lucianna.
She laughs. “Nonsense, you can’t save Embry from Lucas and not be loved by all the ladies. Now we’ll never leave you alone. Endless nights of invitation to drunken parties and dancing while the men folk are off at their boring meetings.”
The glint in her eye tells me that she’s half joking. Clearly she doesn’t really think Overmaster Descallia’s meetings are boring but leaves me wondering if she and the ladies really have drunken parties while the masters are hard at work with her mate.
Lucianna grins. “Of course, I’m serious.”
My eyes narrow at the very perceptive and obviously powered future queen who also knows exactly what I’m thinking no matter my effort to control her ability.
“Many of us have the gift. It’s only a matter if we choose to engage it. And no, I don’t really think the meetings are boring, but we do get together while they’re gone. We laugh, sing, dance and sometimes get into a world of trouble when the masters are away. Come on,” she says, dragging me over toward Overmaster Descallia, who can’t contain the slight grin on his face at his mate. “Drinks are in order. What are you having? My generous mate is buying so far be it from anyone, especially one of the heroes of the night, to abstain from the celebration.”
Lucianna does not need to twist my arm, having put me far more at ease. I smile at my new friends whose eyes are all brightly looking at me, waiting for my order. “Descallia Red, please.”
Descallia takes a bottle from the bartender and then leads us all to his reserved table at the front of the club to have our drinks and watch the show. I take my glass and slide into one of the seats next to Natalia but my whole body tenses as Master Slobozia eases all of his length into the seat beside me on the other side.
I turn, glaring at the beast who has the audacity to sit next to me after walking away from our kiss and connection without even a word of explanation, well, at least a plausible one.
The aroma of the red wine and blood mixture drifts under my nostrils as I inhale, before taking a long slow drink to calm my senses. Every neuron in my body tingles with the excitement of his thigh pressed against mine underneath the table.
I resolve not to let him see the affect he has on me, but the absolute anticipation of what being with Master Slobozia might feel like causes my skin to light with curiosity. The kiss and him turning away should have put an end to everything. Any desirerunning through my body shouldn’t exist after that, but it's clear that's just simply not how this is going to play out. That kiss was just like a small ember, waiting until the right time to flare and combust.
I'm hopeless to prevent the flames of desire that grow from that one kiss from scorching into a burning inferno. My mind doesn't quiet, unable to get the way his unique, completely male scent smelled, the hardness of his body pressed into mine while the coolness of the cavern walls seeped into the heat of my skin from behind. I try to swallow down the waves of desire.
Master Slobozia turns from the others at the table and leans in so close that I think my breath might stop. “That kiss was only the beginning, know that,” he whispers near the sensitive shell of my ear. My blood races hot and molten, but again he turns away leaving my senses in a spin. The mighty vampire reaches for his glass and begins speaking with one of the other masters across the table as though he didn't just ignite a powerful fire within me that I fear no one but he will be able to put out in this century.
The cocky vampire master certainly does have a way with women. But knowing that and everything else about him does not deter my thoughts of being taken by the powerful vampire. I could continue to deny it, fight it, but what’s the point. No, I have no illusions about who I’ll be going home with tonight. No matter the doubt, or my fears, I feel the attraction burning through my body like a raging fire out of control.
Overmaster Descallia raises his glass to the group. I look up from my internal debate, half embarrassed having missed most of what the powerful leader just said. Master Slobozia lifts his glass touching it lightly with mine, before addressing the group. “I couldn’t agree with Overmaster Descallia more. A toast to our victory. A hard-fought battle with all the rogues, the syndicate elders, and others who wanted us to die.”
I hear the thoughts running through his mind as though he were speaking to me aloud. Master Slobozia is not as tough-hearted as he’d like us to believe. He leaves out mention of the witches who were not completely innocent, and were dragged into the betrayal against us too, at least initially. He seems now finally convinced that the witches among us are dedicated to our cause.
The look on Raven, Willow, Madria, and the masters’ faces makes me glad he was able to sort that inner conflict out and give them some reassurance.
Master Slobozia takes a pause, looking around. “We have won this all-encompassing battle even when those amongst us were turned, even when there seemed no winning in sight. We persevered, we remembered the reason we are here, the good that we do, and the life that we want to live. Salute!”
The toast is made in boisterous voices around the table by masters, their mates, and lords who have been gestured over by the others to join in the celebration, as more refreshments and platters of food are brought for the table already heavily laden with many types of meat, cheese, fruit, and breads in an assortment of shapes.
A topless waitress dressed only in heels and a sexy little G-string hovers next to Master Slobozia. She leans down, brushing against his shoulder with the bareness of her skin. Her eyes redden around the edges and her fangs descend as she speaks to him in a hushed seductive voice that makes me want to rip her hair out.
I close my eyes, my keen ears picking up most of everything she says, no matter all the background music accompanying the dancing lady on stage, or the boisterousness of the masters and their mates around the table. She wants what every other femalein the Slobozian region wants. The mighty master rumored to please many in the VIP rooms at the club.
My heart pounds with the green-eyed monster. I take deep breaths, but this attraction for the master has raged far beyond a simple burn. I inhale deeply, calling on every bit of feminine reserve that I can muster in an attempt to ensure no one can see exactly how he affects me. Because that would be career suicide with this group. I must stay the course, keep my calm, stay aloof, try to extinguish this deep-seated longing for the powerful beast even while my center weeps for his touch and my heart longs for a deeper connection. Damn destiny to hell.
The lanky blonde sashays away atop her four-inch Louboutins, her firm ass decorated in a red bow that does absolutely nothing to hide her swaying cheeks. I blow out a breath of frustration and am only startled out of my furious fog when touched by the hand of my friend. Natalia pulls her chair closer to mine and leans in to whisper. “Your fangs are showing, literally, Taylen.”
I swallow hard, quickly pulling my mind to a different place, taking a drink of the Descallia Red, letting it calm my nerves and senses while my fangs slowly ascend. Lucianna’s knowing eyes meet mine from across the table.You should tell him how you feel. There is no fighting destiny.