Page 80 of Ravaged Hearts

Brandon and Sage emerged from the vehicle, and we met them at the bottom of the stairs.

In a cute pair of cutoffs and a faded band T-shirt, Sage approached me with an easy smile and arms open for a hug. “It’s so good to see you.”

“You, too.” We embraced, and I gave my new friend a squeeze.

Sage and I had become close during my time at the ranch, and we’d spoken on the phone regularly during Vaughn’s recovery. We messaged and chatted about all sorts of things, not just team stuff. It was nice to have another female friend after losing Mari.

Brandon, wearing Wranglers and a black T-shirt, gaveVaughn the usual fist bump, then leaned his large frame down to give me a hug. “Hope, how are you?”

“I’m good. Great, actually.”

When Brandon released me, he gave me a curious look accompanied by a small smile. “I can see that.”

Oh God. If he said anything about the way I smelled, I’d die of embarrassment.

“Hey, cranky pants.” Sage offered Vaughn her knuckles, but he didn’t return the gesture. He didn’t say anything at all as he stepped in cautiously and put his arms around her shoulders. Sage’s shock left her frozen only briefly before she slowly rested her hands on Vaughn’s back. “Um, wow. Someone’s making progress.”

The loose hug only lasted a second before they parted, but for Vaughn, this was a huge step.

He returned to my side, throwing an arm around me and scratching the back of his head. “I’m testing new limits. Figured you’d kick my ass if I didn’t react well.”

We were working on the theory that a woman’s touch would be less threatening to Vaughn since his torturers had been men. He’d been too nervous to try anything with Dee due to her frailty, but Sage, who was strong, fit, and a skilled fighter in her own right, was the perfect choice. All the same, I knew he’d never lash out at the woman who was like a sister to him.

Sage and Brandon followed us inside to the kitchen, giving pats to each of the house dogs on the way. I poured coffees and handed them to our visitors, who sat at the breakfast bar, while Vaughn and I took ours standing at the counter opposite them. Titan stretched out on the floor beside my feet.

It was the first time we’d seen Brandon and Sage since Manzanillo, and even though we’d talked on the phone often, we took some time now to chat and catch up. Sage wanted to know more about our dog rescue operation, and Brandon gaveVaughn an update on the missions the team was currently working.

Vaughn braced his palms on the counter. “What do you say, boss? Can I come back to work?”

Hesitation gnawed at me whenever I thought about Vaughn carrying out more dangerous missions, but now that he was healthy again, he was itching to get back in the field. He felt like he was letting the team down by spending his days here with me. And truthfully, the man needed something to do other than delivering growls and menacing stares to any man who looked at me twice or tipped poorly. He needed something to sink his teeth into that would give him purpose again. I’d support him in any way I could, even if it meant him rejoining the team.

Brandon drew in a deep breath and held it. “No.”

“No?” Vaughn lowered his chin. “Why the fuck not?”

“At the risk of sounding like a shady businessman, I have an opportunity for you. For both of you, if you’re interested.”

Vaughn and I glanced at each other.

“Things are quieter in Mexico now that the major cartels have fallen, but there’s still plenty of activity south of here. We suspect the South American cartels will try to reestablish trade routes through these parts. If we abandon our operations here now, in a couple of years, we’ll be back where we started, with dominant cartels running the country.”

Sage took a sip of coffee and rested the cup on the counter. “That’s where you come in, Vaughn. We want you to establish a Mexican base to run our Central and South American operations. Montana is too far away to mobilize a quick reaction force, and Brandon’s busy with other projects.”

“Wait.” Vaughn frowned. “You wantmeto start a base and run operations in the region?”

Brandon shrugged. “You’ve got a lot of connections and understand more about logistics in these parts than anyoneelse on our team. You’re experienced, speak fluent Spanish, and are already settled in-country. I can’t think of anyone better for the role.”

Vaughn blinked a bunch of times while staring at his friends.

I slapped him on the arm. “Don’t look so surprised. Brandon and Sage know what they’re talking about. You’d be perfect for this.”

Vaughn raked a hand through his hair and choked back a laugh. “Okay. I accept.”

“Excellent.” Brandon rested his arm on the back of Sage’s barstool. “We’ve already scouted a suitable parcel of land not far from here. It’ll need a lot of work. Design and construction of a runway, hangars, fuel-storage facilities, offices, and an armory. And we were thinking about building accommodations close to the coast to house a team. Somewhere for the guys to relax between ops.”

“You’ve put a lot of thought into this,” Vaughn said.

“We have.” Brandon glanced at his wife. “Sage will continue to run your intel from the ranch, but I’ll be working on something new. Something closer to home.”