Page 6 of Ravaged Hearts

“Like fuck you will. I’m still recovering from the last time you cleaned me out.” Miguel gestured to the vacated spots opposite him. “Have a seat, friend.”

I guessed Hope had been using my body to shield herself from view, because once I sat at the table, both Miguel’s and Armando’s eyes shifted to her.

A moment later, she scurried to my side and knelt. I reached down to stroke the silky dark strands at Hope’s crown. It was an act of gentle reassurance, although to anyone in the room, it probably appeared as though I were petting her.

“I didn’t realize you were an advocate of this lifestyle.”Miguel leaned forward and nodded toward Hope as he tried to get another look at her.

“Why should our clients have all the fun?” I relaxed back in my chair. “She’s new. In fact, this is her first time out since her training started. Still a work in progress.” That was my cover story in case Hope did something out of line for a slave.

Armando poured me a glass of whiskey and refilled the others. “What happened to her face?”

This motherfucker.

Every muscle in my body tensed. I forced myself to take a steadying breath, but there was nothing I could do to lessen the death stare I aimed at Armando. “All you need to know is if anyone damages my property again, I’ll skin them alive.”

Hope shifted closer until her shoulder pressed against the side of my leg, reminding me that I needed to remain cool and calm through this. Losing my shit over every disrespectful comment aimed at her tonight would spark suspicion.

To ease the tension in the room, I pushed the box of cigars toward Miguel and tapped the lid. “Special delivery. You can’t find these anywhere, and I know they’re Espinoza’s favorite.” It wouldn’t surprise me if each stick fetched over a hundred grand on the black market, and there were a dozen in the box. “You give these to him, and la Mano Roja will be back in the boss’s good graces.”

Miguel arched one thick dark brow. “What makes you think we were ever out?”

“The fact that several of your recent shipments have run into trouble. It’s been all over the news. Stash houses turned over. Busts at Puerto Vallarta and Mazatlán. I’m assuming that’s why you’re in need of my services.” Little did he know that tip-offs from yours truly had instigated those raids.

Miguel knocked ash from his cigar onto a silver tray. “Good help is hard to find.”

I spun my whiskey tumbler on the table, being careful toonly take small sips so the alcohol didn’t affect my reflexes. “Then you’ve come to the right pilot.”

He grunted. “You’re one of very few people who haven’t let me down. Remind me why you stopped working for us?”

I took a cigarette from the pack in my pocket and lit it. “Went overseas to investigate some emerging markets. Found plenty of them. There’s serious money to be made if you’ve got the balls and the product.” I grinned. “Which means I just need the product.”

Miguel laughed and reached for the bottle of whiskey to pour another splash in his glass. “I always liked you.”

I blew smoke into the air. “Get me a meeting with Espinoza, and I’ll cut you in on the deal.”

He canted his head. “That will be difficult.”

“Why?” I asked. “You’re close with him, aren’t you?”

“Carlos is more paranoid about security than ever. No one even knows the last time he left his compound. All our instructions come through Ortega. I might be able to get you an audience with el Señor del Dolor.”

Beside me, Hope flinched at the mention of the Lord of Pain, her once betrothed. Being forced to marry that sadistic fuck must truly have been her worst nightmare.

“I’d appreciate that.” I weaved my fingers through Hope’s hair again.

Miguel’s eyes followed the movement. He leaned forward, straining for a better view, because from his seat, all he could see was the top of Hope’s lowered head.

As I’d anticipated, there was more than curiosity in his gaze, which I planned to use to our advantage. If Miguel wanted a show, we’d give him one. Who knew what his lust-addled mind might disclose if he was preoccupied with drooling over the goddess at my side?



My knees ached, the collar chafed at my throat, and I’d lost all feeling in my toes. The only silver lining to sitting on the floor like an obedient pet dog was that I didn’t have to look into the faces of the abhorrent men at the table.

Vaughn hooked a knuckle under my chin and brought my eyes to his. “Come here, Gatita.”

What?I thought I was supposed to remain at his feet and stay out of trouble.