“Wait, this is yours?” Bane asks. “I thought it was Asher’s. Did you freehand all this?”
“Yeah?” I say, confused.
Bane shakes his head. “Bitch, you’re an artist.”
He tosses the pad over, and Asher catches it mid-air. When he opens it, he has the same reaction of disbelief.
“You’re serious? You freehanded this?”
“Yes! Why does no one believe me?” I ask with a laugh.
“Because that butterfly is perfectly symmetrical,” Asher says. He shows it to me, pointing to the wings and how they match.
“Yeah, so?”
“Do you have any idea how fucking hard it is to freehand symmetry?”
He chuckles, further examining the others.
“I want that mountain,” Jared says.
I never really took my art seriously. It was always just a hobby. But listening to Neela and all these guys compliment me makes me realize that maybe I shouldn’t have. Maybe I should’ve pursued something in the arts instead of nursing.
Once we’re all finished eating, Bane gathers the plates and utensils, disposing of them, before sitting back down with Jared. He pulls out his phone to show Jared something as Asher’s hand clamps down on my thigh through my dress, stealing my breath.
“What are you guys looking at?” Asher asks. There’s some amusement in his voice, as though he already knows the answer.
When I look over at Jared and Bane, they watch the phone with such focus that they don’t even hear Asher’s question. That’s when I realize.
His grip on my thigh tightens, and when I panic and try to throw myself to my feet, he drags me back down, and I fall into his lap, straddling his good leg with my back to his chest. He holds me tight, breathing hot air into my ear.
“Jared wanted to see your video, so they’re watching on my phone.”
Suddenly, my heavy breathing fills the room, and my heart practically stops. The more I tense, the tighter Asher pulls me against him until I find my body sinking against his as my clit rubs against his leg.
“And she sent this to you?” Jared asks in disbelief.
“A happy accident,” Asher says. I can hear the grin in his voice as he speaks.
“Asher…” I growl.
“Don’t fight it, Sunshine. You can pretend, but I know what you really want.”
They turn off the video after the sound of my orgasm rips through the shop, and I find myself staring into space, unable to look any of them in the eye.
“Jared, come over. Let’s show you her pretty new tattoo.”
While Jared and Bane step away from the desk to join us on the sofa, Asher begins to slide the bottom of my dress up my legs, and I stop him.
“Feeling shy, little whore?” Asher asks.
“Asher, knock it off!” I fight.
“Would you rather I leak your video?” he asks.