Page 14 of Shattered

“Why don’t you come down here and say that? Preferably with no clothes on.” It’s a direct challenge. I was trying to make her blush, but she only huffs and sticks her head back in the window. A moment later, she storms out of her back door, using the flashlight on her phone to light her way.

What the fuck?

She’s not naked but wearing the next best thing: pajama shorts low on her perfectly rounded hips and a thin top with tiny straps that don’t reach her shorts, leaving a bit of skin showing. As she enters the light on the deck, I realize her nipples are visible through her shirt. Her tits are so small they’re almost not there, a cute contrast to her wider hips. I muster every bit of muscle, bracing against the chair to help me stand in a way that looks normal in time for her to stop in front of me, face to face. She only comes up to my neck, and even then, she cranes hers up as she stops, leaving only inches of space between us.

“Get fucked, dick bag, I believe was what I said,” she snaps, on full offense. “It’s what someone says to two obnoxious guys who are blasting music at one in the fucking morning, you inconsideratepricks!”

I can’t take her seriously. She’s got a lot of balls to be mouthing off to a couple of guys over twice her size without backup. There’s a pickup with the SUV in her driveway, but I’m guessing it belongs to the other blonde peeking out the window of the Sunshine House with more brains and less balls than this one.

“You forgot to take your clothes off,” I say, teasing.

Her eyes narrow in rage. “Go fuck yourself.”

“I’d rather fuck you, Sunshine. You run, I’ll give you a head start.”

Something interesting flares in her eyes. It’s not exactly disgust and certainly not embarrassment. Before I can place it, she masks it with a cocky sneer.

“I’ve seen you walk; I think I can outrun you.”

My expression steels as rage boils in me, the flirtation gone, and this fucking chick doesn’t bat an eye, her glare still locked on me. I lean in just enough to crowd her, my eyes piercing hers, but she doesn’t shrink beneath my gaze. She holds her ground, and that pisses me the fuck off.

“Watch it, little bitch,” I sneer.

She raises a brow, almost unbothered. “What, am I supposed to be afraid of you?”

“You should be. We’re not gay, Sunshine, and you’re over here all alone tempting us,” I say, a clear threat, just as I hear a vehicle approach and stop in front of the house.

She doesn’t even bat an eye; she takes a short half-step back as her angry expression returns. It’s a clear challenge as she puts that tough girl mask back on.

“Just turn off the fucking music.”

“I will, under one condition. Let me put my number in your phone. Y’know, in case you ever need some cock.”

She rolls her eyes, and I still can’t figure out what she’s thinking. Then she pulls her phone from her shorts that sit far too high on her lush little thighs, and she opens a new contact on her phone and hands it over. I put my number in and return it to her.

“Asher,” she says, looking at my name before lifting her eyes back to mine, conniving. “Great, now I can block you.”


A man approaches calmly from around the corner. He’s tall and looks like he sucks dick for a living with his gelled-back hair and meek eyes. As he walks up the steps, he flashes me the badge at his hip. He’s a cop.

“Everything alright here, gentlemen?” he asks sternly, his hands firmly on his hips. The girl, Lila, keeps her eyes glued on mine, not even turning to see the new addition to the party.

I flash him a fake smile. “Of course. Our neighbor Lila here kindly asked that we turn down our music. I think it might’ve woken her up.”

The cop literally wraps an arm around Lila, pulling her back from me. Her furious posture vanishes, replaced with comfort. She still doesn’t look at him, so she must know who he is. I wonder if she’s fucking him, but I doubt it.

“Goodnight, gentlemen. Please, keep the music down,” the man says as he directs her down the steps. They bicker as they head towards her house, still audible, but Lila stops and turns on her heels, shooting an amused glare my way.

“Oh, and when you’re done with my chairs, put them back, and then stay off my fucking property.”

“Might I suggest a new coat of paint? Maybe black?” I say, motioning to her house. “Space called; it needs its sun back.”

She sneers at me, and the cop yanks her away, forcing her to turn around.

“Everything was fine!” Lila growls.

“Yeah, what could’vepossiblygone wrong?!” he asks shortly, raising his voice.