She smiles slightly. “It’s a message from Asher.”
She passes the phone, and I take it in my bandaged hands.
Hey Sunshine,
I wish I never left, but I think I needed to. A man’s gotta hit rock bottom before he can better himself, and I dug myself a deep hole. I’ll never be able to make up for everything that’s happened, but I hope you’ll let me try. I’m not going anywhere.
“Oh my… god…”
“I think I like him more now,” Macy says softly.
“Could you write a message for me?” I can’t with my hands bandaged the way they are.
Macy takes the phone from me and waits for me to speak. There are a hundred things I could say to Asher right now, but it all boils down to one simple sentence I don’t know if I believe in yet. But even false hope is hope.
Everything’s going to be okay.
Chapter 33
Neela and Ty stayed with me at the hospital, not wanting me to be alone. Though we didn’t talk much, their presence helped. It lessened the panic I felt that I desperately needed to get back to Lila. Her friend Macy is still with her, and we have a line of communication.
I got a message back from Lila, and it took away most of the pain.
Everything’s going to be okay.
I was discharged from the hospital with some equipment in tow. I’ll be mainly in a wheelchair for the next couple of months, at least. They taught me how to transfer in and out of it, and I have a walker. It has two wheels and locks, which I can use to help me stand and transfer. I also have a shower chair and an adjustable commode chairto go over a toilet, which is the same thing that Bane bought for me and I hated him for.
God, it feels like so long ago.
The healing from this injury feels daunting, but somehow, it doesn’t feel shameful like I thought it would.
Neela and Ty drive me home while Nash carries my equipment in his truck. When we get to Lila’s house, more vehicles are in the driveway. Nash brings over my wheelchair, and I easily transfer into it from the car the way I was taught in the hospital. When Nash begins to push me, I don’t object.
When we get to the steps, I’m surprised to find a ramp built over the two steps onto Sunshine’s deck.
“Edgar put that in for you; he built one for his elderly neighbor, too.”
The ramp is made of wood and bows slightly when I’m pushed up it, but it feels solidly safe. There’s a smaller one built over the lip in the doorway. Neela opens the door for us, and we enter the house.
In the den, two men I haven’t met are finishing setting up my bed. One is middle-aged, with dark hair, a large nose, and some scars on his face. The other is younger, maybe early thirties, with buzzed blonde hair and bright blue eyes that meet mine as I enter.
In the kitchen, two women are stocking Lila’s freezer. A tall redhead passes some containers from a large bag to her friend in the freezer, a curvy woman in a dress with chocolate brown hair. The kitchen table is overflowing with flowers and cards, including a bundle of sunflowers in a vase. She’ll love those.
“That’s Allegra and Juliet. They did some meal prep for you guys,” Neela explains. “And that’s Gareth and Ian. Gareth is Macy’s husband, and Ian is Allegra’s fiancé.”
Ian is Lila’s ex-husband. One look at him, and I understand why. He looks soft and gentle. I’m sure he’s a nice man, but he’s not the man for Lila.
“You’re gonna have to write me a guide.”
Neela chuckles. “You’ll get it.”
“Is she okay?” Juliet asks, stealing the room.
“She’s on her way now with Macy,” Neela says.