Page 42 of Shattered

“Not once, not since. She’s a bitch, she was only good for one thing.”

I hate that that makes me feel better.

“If you ever see those guys, do not fuck around. Run.”

I nod nervously. “Do you think they’ll come back?”

“I really don’t know, but I fucking hope not. Keep this place locked down. No more leaving doors unlocked. These are guys you should be afraid of.”

“Guys like you?” I challenge.

He pauses. “There are worse things than me, and you’re handling me just fine, no matter how much it’s pissing me off.”

Finally, I crack a smile. “I can handle a lot more than you.”

He nods, ending the conversation. “I should go.”

Part of me wants to tell him to stay. I know his leg is sore after his fall, whether he’ll admit it or not, and he should rest for a bit.

“Did you hurt yourself when you fell?” His eyes turn on me again, and I roll mine. “Never mind. I know you did.”

“Just a little stiff.”

“Bullshit. Just tell me, what’s going to happen when you tell me your leg bothers you? Is the world gonna explode? Are you going to die? No. Stop being so fucking stubborn. Your femur was shattered with a baseball bat; of course it fucking hurts.”

“Little bitch… I’m not in the mood,” he says, pinching the bridge of his nose.

He’s sore. If I cared about him, I’d offer for him to stay. I know next door isn’t far, but he’s hurt. I have no idea why he doesn’t have something to help him, like a walker or a cane. It’d be so much safer for him. But I don’t know if my vagina can handle bringing that forward.

So, instead, I’ll try some good old reverse psychology.

“Well, get the fuck out of my house,” I say, my tone light and playful. I’m too tired to commit.

Asher takes the bait and leans back against my couch.

“This couch is pretty comfy. I think I’ll hang here for a while. Besides, I don’t want to leave you alone while they sniff around.”

I make a show out of rolling my eyes, but I think we both know I played him.

“You’re ridiculous,” I state.

“I’ll take some breakfast, too, since you rudely interrupted mine.”

I head into the kitchen, rip a banana off the bundle, and toss one at him. It lands in front of him with a thump.

“I’m tired. I need to lie down for a while. Donottry anything today, okay? I’m too on edge.”

I realize what I’ve said the moment it’s out of my mouth, and he sees it, too. Thetodaymeans far more than just one word.

“I promise,” he says.

For some reason that has nothing to do with his leg, I believe him.

Chapter 15


Iwatch some movies on Sunshine’s TV once she goes upstairs. While my leg feels fine enough, I’m not leaving her here alone after this morning.