Page 38 of Shattered

A cute whimper confirms she heard me.

I leave her in bed, grabbing my clothes on my way out. I easily descend the stairs and pause by the door, an idea flickering in my head. A dusty old key rack is on the back of the door, and a single key hangsfrom it. Trying my luck, I open the door and stick the key in the lock, finding it turns.

I wonder if she’ll notice it’s gone, not that it matters.

I pull on my clothes, leaving my shirt on the floor. I want her to remember I was here. Once I’m ready, I pocket her spare house key and exit the house, leaving the door unlocked behind me.

Chapter 14


Ithink I feel the pain before I’m fully awake.

And before I fully wake, I decide I don’t hate it.

Sunlight is pouring in from the window, creating an orange glow on my bedspread. I sit up slowly, feeling the pain beneath me. When I slip my hand between my legs, I find my pajama shorts are gone, and I feel some cum dribble out of me.

How is this happening?

I head to the bathroom like a zombie, finding a mess inside. It looks like he used my fucking shower and left his sopping wet towel on the floor. After kicking the towel to the side, something catches my eye. Or rather, doesn’t.

My toothbrush, which usually sits in a cup on the counter, is gone.

“Why?” I growl to myself. “Just… why?”

Before I can shower, I head for the toilet and fall straight in, submerging my ass in cold water.


After the longest shower of my life, I charge next door, clenching my teeth. Asher and Bane are sitting at the table in their kitchen.

“How fucking juvenile can you be? Mytoothbrush!?” I snap, rushing to the table and slamming to a stop beside Asher.

They both chuckle, and Bane gawks at me. “That's what you're gonna be mad at him for?”

“I didn’t steal it,” Asher says. “Besides, you seemed to enjoy yourself based on how wet you were getting.”

My jaw falls open, and Asher only gives me that cocky smirk that makes me see red. That’s when he makes a motion to Bane, who gets up. Before I realize what’s happening, Bane loops behind me and locks my arms behind my back. I let out a piercing scream as he immobilizes me and shoves me towards Asher, still sitting at the table.

“I promised Bane a piece of you; I didn’t think you’d mind,” Asher says coldly.

I thrash, but it’s no use. With my arms locked behind my back, I have zero control or leverage, and the men are so easily able to overpower me. Asher turns his chair sideways, and suddenly, I’m spun around to face Bane, and Asher’s arm replaces his, immobilizing myarms. He perches me on his good knee, keeping his bad one off to the side. When I try to smash my head back against his, he dodges it and grabs my hair with his free hand, immobilizing my head against his chest as he breathes hot air into my ear.

“Nice try, Sunshine.”

“Let me the fuck GO!” I snap, trying to wiggle out of his grip, but it’s impossible, and with the way I’m perched with his knee between my legs, it only stimulates my clit and makes me let out a shaky breath.

“If you wanna hump my leg, go right ahead, Sunshine.”

He twists my hair harder until my back is arched, and the top of my head is pressed against his chest as my entire world goes quiet.

“Fuck you!” I snap.

“Thanks for the offer, Sunshine. You’re gonna let Bane play with you now. Unless you want to admit you’re a dirty little slut, and I’ll let you go.”

I fight harder. “Like fuck I am!”

When I don’t cave, Asher hums with approval. “You can touch her, Bane, it’s okay.”