Page 28 of Shattered

“Hey man, welcome. Come on in.”

He lets me inside and shuts the door behind me.

“You can leave your shoes there; the floors are clean,” he says. “Coffee?”


I follow him into the kitchen, and he motions for me to sit at the table, so I do. He returns with two cups of coffee and sets one before me. It’s still piping hot, but I sip it anyway.

“So, have you ever been involved with a kink club?” Turner asks.

Jesus, getting right to the point. “No, but I’ve been into kink for a long time.”

I guess, technically, I’m a dom, though I’ve never explored formal BDSM. I’m the one in control at all times, and the girls I’ve fucked in the past all knew that. So does Sunshine.

“The club is in the basement, down there,” he says, motioning to a closed door near the fridge. “We’re limited in numbers. There’s only a handful of members now, and many of them are coupled up. What kind of partners are you looking for?”

He’s politely asking if I’m gay. “Submissive women.”

Turner nods. “We have a few, including Lila. Hopefully, we’ll be able to get some more members soon. Alton’s a small town.”

I already knew Lila was a sub, but somehow, it pleases me to have it confirmed.

“And you said I need a health clearance and police check?”

“Yes. I’ll send you the link for the police check. Once that all goes through, you should be good to join as long as we don’t run into any roadblocks. I’ll warn you right now though, and this is the same speech I give to all the new doms joining the club. You won’t be using any restraints until I’m confident we can trust you. There are panic buttons in each room, so if there is any funny business, my girls know what to do. I get a lick of suspicion with you, and you’re gone. You fuck with any of them, you’re gone, with two black eyes. These people are all close friends, and no one fucks with my people. Safe, sane, and consensual, or Iwillreport the incident to the police. We even have one as a member. Am I making myself clear?”

His speech is very stern, but I can tell it isn’t personal. I agree with him and promise to be on my best behavior.

“Do you want a tour?”

Do I want one? Yes. Will I have one? Absolutely not. I’m not doing stairs in front of this guy.

“Another time,” I say simply. “I’ll get that police check to you and work on that health clearance.”

“Okay then. Once you’re a member, you’ll get an entry code. The ground floor is free for all the members, and there’s almost always someone here. You’re welcome to stop by and visit in the meantime as long as I’m here.”


Turner doesn’t know I have zero intention of joining this club. The moment he mentioned it was downstairs, I shut it down entirely. I’m not doing stairs in front of other people.

But I’m going to fail that police check anyway since I have some minor blemishes on my record. I’m unsure how stern this guy is, but it doesn’t matter. I need Sunshine tothinkI’m joining.

If I can pull that off, my plan will go through without a hitch.

Chapter 10


“Feeling better?”

I lift my head from my desk to see my boss, Dr. Parr, stroll in.

The truth is, I hate my job. I’ve been steadily growing tired of being a nurse since I started. I liked it at first. Dr. Parr is great to work for. The job didn’t bother me much before when I was with Ian. Now that I’m going home to an empty house, work feels almost torturous. I never thought I’d be one of those people who hate their career, but I also never expected to be divorced.

“Much,” I lie through my teeth.

Dr. Parr approaches my desk to grab some paperwork and flashes me a disappointed expression at the same time.