Page 205 of One Hellish Love

“And don’t forget, no matter where I am, my heart and soul belong to you.”

“I know,” she smiled, her confidence returning. “Now, let me get back to work.”

“See me before you leave for home,” Rudra requested.

“I will,” she promised, before stepping out of his office.

As she left, Rudra knew she was trying to stay strong for him, even though the thought of him meeting Suman didn’t go well with her. It was hard for her, just as it was for him.


Raheja Mansion

Daadi was brimming with excitement as she prepared for the dinner. Suman was going to arrive soon, and Daadi was thrilled at the thought of introducing her to Rudra. The moment Rudra stepped in from work, Daadi practically glowed with anticipation.

“Thank God you’re here. I thought you might purposely arrive late tonight,” she said, rushing toward him.

Rudra smiled, putting his arm around her shoulders as they walked toward the living room.

“How could I break a promise I made to you?”

Daadi beamed, clearly pleased.

“I assure you, Rudra, my choice for you is perfect. Suman is a wonderful girl.”

“I’m sure she is,” he replied, knowing that Daadi’s ideal match for him would embody everything she wanted in a daughter-in-law. “I’ll freshen up quickly and be right back,” Rudra said, ready to escape to his room for a moment of solitude. But before he could leave, a voice rang out from the doorway.

“Namaste, Daadi.”

Everyone turned toward the door, and there stood Suman, smiling brightly.

“Oh, Suman!” Daadi exclaimed, rushing to greet her. “I’m so happy you accepted my invitation. Please, come in.”

Rudra’s entire body tensed. The charade had begun. He would have to play the role of the gracious host, ask all the polite questions, and feign interest in a conversation he had absolutely no desire to have. Daadi led Suman inside, introducing her to Shekhar and Anjali first. Rudra stayed rooted where he stood, his face carefully neutral.

“This is my elder grandson, Shekhar, and his wife, Anjali,” Daadi said with pride.

“Hi,” Suman greeted them with a warm smile, hugging Anjali and exchanging pleasantries. Then her eyes fell on Rudra, and a spark of excitement flickered in her gaze.

“And this,” Daadi continued, “is the one you’ve come to meet. My youngest grandson, Rudra.”

Rudra offered a polite smile.

“Hi, Suman,” he greeted her, showing no signs of the internal turmoil that raged beneath his calm exterior. As he looked at her, his mind drifted to Kashish. If she were here witnessing this scene, she would be burning with jealousy. And if he ever saw Kashish cry because of this, it would tear him apart.

“Rudra, Suman asked you something,” Daadi’s voice pulled him back to the moment.

He blinked. “Oh, sorry. What was it?”

Suman blushed, clearly a bit flustered, and repeated her question.

“I was asking if you work late often. You seem to have just come from the office.”

Rudra forced a smile.

“Yes, meetings and all that. But I try to come home earlier when I can. Please, make yourself comfortable. I’ll go change.”

Daadi was practically floating with happiness at how smoothly things were going. Rudra, however, could barelybreathe. Every moment felt suffocating. He excused himself and walked toward his room. He didn’t want Suman. He wanted Kashish—only Kashish. Meeting this woman only reinforced how deeply he felt for her.