Page 195 of One Hellish Love

She hit send just as Roma handed her the popcorn.

“Thanks. Which screen?”

“Screen 2. Recliner seats are waiting for us,” Roma replied, leading the way.

Kashish faked a smile, but her mind was elsewhere, focused on her phone, eagerly waiting for Rudra’s reply. Once they were seated, she hurriedly checked her phone again. His reply beeped.

I can never get enough of my favorite subject—YOU. I’m in an important meeting, clearing my mind, heart, and time for you so nothing distracts me later. Enjoy your movie… and don’t drool over the actor too much. Save your eyes for me.

Even from a distance, Rudra knew exactly how to make her blush. Roma noticed her sudden change in demeanor and leaned over.

“Everything okay? You seem... different today.”

Kashish shut her phone, forcing a casual smile.

“All good, Roma. Just a little tired.”

It wasn’t a complete lie. She hadn’t slept much last night, and it showed. Roma raised an eyebrow, curious.

“Lack of sleep? What were you up to? Work?”

Flashes of the night before surged through Kashish’s mind, and her face turned crimson again.

“Yeah… household work,” she lied quickly.

“Oh, right! You moved out of the Raheja house recently, didn’t you?”

Kashish nodded, feeling relieved that the conversation had shifted. Moving out of Raheja Mansion had been the catalyst that brought Rudra back from Paris. In a strange way, it had all worked out.

As the movie began, Kashish tried to focus on the screen, but her thoughts kept drifting back to Rudra. Every romantic scene reminded her of him—of their love, their intimacy, and the night they had shared. It was impossible to concentrate. Her heart was too consumed by him. True love had a way of making everything else seem small. Crushes, exes, even favorite movie stars—all paled in comparison to the person who made you feel what real love was.


Just as the movie ended and they were leaving the multiplex, Kashish heard a familiar voice behind her.


She turned, and there he was—Rudra Raheja, casually dressed, walking toward her, taking off his sunglasses with that effortless confidence that always made her heart race. He lookeddifferent, more relaxed, glowing even. She wasn’t used to seeing him in casual clothes, and the sight sent her pulse soaring.

“Oh my God, what is our boss doing here?” Roma whispered, straightening up along with the rest of the group.

“Good afternoon, Sir,” they greeted.

He greeted them all back before his eyes were locked on Kashish alone.

“How was the movie?” he asked only her.Of course.

Kashish felt every eye on them, surprised that Rudra knew about their movie plans, and even more shocked that he was asking only for her opinion.

“It was… good,” she managed to reply.

“If you all don’t mind, I need to take Kashish with me. We have some plans,” Rudra announced casually, sliding his arm around her waist in a way that made his claim over her crystal clear.

Kashish’s heart skipped a beat at his touch, and she bit her lip, trying to contain the surge of emotions his presence stirred inside her. Her colleagues exchanged glances, taken aback by the display of affection.

“Of course, Sir. Bye, Kashish!” Roma waved awkwardly, trying to wrap her head around what she had just witnessed.

“Bye. Thanks for inviting me. It was fun spending time with you outside the office,” Kashish said, trying to keep her voice steady despite the electric sensation of Rudra’s fingers brushing her waist.