“Sounds like a wonderful idea,” I encourage him, imagining the burly driver crouched in the sand with a little girl, both of them laughing and covered in sand.
“Enough about me,” Charlie says, shaking off the sentimentality. “You were curious about what it’s like to work for the Archer brothers, right?”
“Right.” I nod, grateful for the change in topic.
I can’t help but feel a sense of camaraderie with Charlie as we stand there, sharing secrets and stories about the Archer brothers. There’s something comforting in knowing that other people care about them just as much as I do.
“Oakley!” Avery calls out from the boutique’s entrance, interrupting our conversation. “What are you doing out here? We’ve got your new wardrobe all ready for you!” She playfully raises her eyebrows, a mischievous glint in her eyes.
“Guess it’s time for me to face the fashion firing squad,” I say with a sigh, shooting Charlie an apologetic look. “Wish me luck?”
“Good luck, Oakley,” Charlie replies, his smile genuine and warm. He reaches into his pocket and pulls out another cigarette, waving it in farewell as I turn to leave.
“Thanks, Charlie. And remember, think about cutting back on those,” I add, nodding at the cigarette before heading back inside.
As I make my way through the door, I brace myself for whatever wild ensemble Avery and Iris have concocted for me. The fact that they’re grinning like Cheshire cats only adds to my apprehension.
“Alright, ladies,” I say, steeling myself for whatever lies ahead. “Let’s see what you’ve got.”
Iris and Avery exchange glances, their eyes gleaming with excitement. They each grab a handful of clothes from the dressing room and practically shove me inside.
“Get ready to be amazed!” Avery exclaims as she hands me a bikini so tiny it looks like it might only cover my pinky finger.
“I thought you said we were going for modest!” I exclaim.
“Well, I tried.” Avery shrugs.
I can’t help but roll my eyes, but I know they’re only trying to push me out of my comfort zone.
“Seriously, guys?” I grumble, holding up the itsy-bitsy swimsuit. “This is what you came up with?”
“Trust us, Oakley,” Iris pleads, her hazel eyes wide and earnest. “You’ll look amazing in it, and besides, we’ll be on vacation! It’s all about letting loose and having fun.”
I take a deep breath, weighing the options in my mind. On one hand, I could stubbornly refuse to try on the ridiculous bikini, or on the other hand, I could embrace the spirit of adventure and give it a shot.
“Fine,” I sigh, finally agreeing to their plan. “But if I end up looking like an overstuffed sausage, it’s on both of you.” Their laughter rings through the air, and I can’t help but smile as well.
“Ready or not, here I come,” I announce, stepping out of the dressing room and revealing my newly adorned body to my eager audience.
“Wow, Oakley!” Avery exclaims, her eyes widening in appreciation. “You look incredible!”
“See? We told you so,” Iris chimes in, smiling proudly at their handiwork.
I glance down at myself, feeling a mixture of vulnerability and pride. The swimsuit may be skimpy, but there’s no denying that it complements my figure in a flattering way.
“Alright, you two did an okay job,” I admit reluctantly, still feeling a bit exposed but trying to embrace the experience. “Now let’s get the rest of this shopping done so we can move on to more important things—like enjoying our vacation.”
“Agreed!” Avery says with enthusiasm as Iris nods in approval.
We spend the next hour browsing through the store, selecting various outfits and accessories for our trip. I find myself gradually growing more comfortable with their choices, even daring to try on a few bold pieces that I would have never considered before.
As we gather our purchases and prepare to leave, I realize how grateful I am for friends like Avery and Iris—people who push me beyond my comfort zone and help me discover new aspects of myself. Despite my initial hesitation, today’s shopping adventure has turned out to be surprisingly enjoyable, and I’mreally looking forward to spending some time on the beach next week.
The airport whirls around me like a chaotic storm, but I can’t help feeling like the eye of it all as Avery and Iris flank me, each carrying a heavy bag filled to the brim with clothes they’ve picked out for me.