There’s something familiar about her that I can’t pinpoint.

“What are you doing in here?!” Theo’s voice is a cold snap once he’s gotten over his shock, his reaction completely different from mine. No way I’d ever yell at a pretty girl.

Her smile falters a little bit. “Am I not supposed to be in here?”

I walk closer to her. “Let me change out of these clothes, and we can go wherever you’d like, dollface.” I see the red creeping onto her cheeks. Maybe she doesn’t expect me to be so outrightly flirtatious, but that’s just who I am, especially when she’s been placed straight into my lap.

“Dollface?” she repeats. “You’ve never called me that before.”

“Before?” I frown slightly. “Have we met before?”

The girl stares at me for a long time, her mouth opening and closing, as if she can’t figure out the words to say.

The door to the premium room swings open, revealing Charlie, our team’s trusted driver. He steps inside. “I got you something to drink,” he says to the woman, but she waves her hand.

“I’m not thirsty anymore.”

“You knew she was in here, Charlie?” Theo asks, eyes narrowed.

“Of course,” he answers. “I brought her here.”


“Because Mr. Archer told me to.”

My eyes light up, and I smirk. “As a prize?” I could use some fun after the game I played. I did win, after all, and if Gray was trying to reward me then I’d take it.

Charlie frowns. “This is Miss Price.”

Miss Price? The wheels in my head start to turn quickly.Oakley.

I look back at the woman, who’s staring straight ahead with a small frown on her face. This is Oakley? There’s no way. She was always pretty, but the woman in front of me is almost ethereal, and doesn’t look anything like the way I remembered Oakley.

Then again, it has been a few years. And we were teenagers then.

“Oakley,” I say, grabbing her attention. “I can’t believe it’s you.”

Her face doesn’t change. “I can see that.”

I’ve flirted with Oakley before, but not so suggestively. A part of me almost feels bad that I didn’t recognize her, but the other part of me…is just glad to see her again. Despite whatever she’s feeling, I move over to her and wrap my arms around her, pulling her into a deep hug.

“Oh, Reid!” she exclaims. “You’re covered in Gatorade.”

“Suck it up, buttercup.” I hug her tighter, and she finally stops relenting, even managing to laugh. “I didn’t realize you were coming here. Gray didn’t tell us.”

She nods, and for now, it seems that all is forgiven. “The game was amazing. You were amazing.”

“Do you expect anything less?” I waggle my eyebrows at her, and she playfully hits my chest.

I watch as Oakley’s gaze shifts from me to Theo, her eyes searching for a way to connect with him. I can feel the tension in the room, thick and palpable, as she takes a deep breath.

“Hey, Theo,” she says softly, her voice laced with sincerity. “It’s been a while since we’ve had a chance to catch up. How have you been?”

Theo remains silent, his jaw tense and eyes unyielding. He crosses his arms over his chest, making it clear that he has no intention of engaging in conversation.

I frown. Did something happen between the two of them? Theo hasn’t said anything to us about it.

“Come on, Theo,” I chime in, hoping to ease the tension between them. It may have been a while since he’s seen her, but it’s not like she’s a stranger. “Oakley’s just trying to talk.”