“Reid, I?—”

“Hey,” I interrupt, wanting to keep things light for now. “How about we go out for dinner? Just the four of us.” The words slip out almost impulsively, surprising both of us with their spontaneity.

“Really?” Oakley asks, raising an eyebrow. “Just like that?”

“Sure, why not?” I reply nonchalantly, as if asking her on a date along with my two brothers is the most natural thing in the world. And maybe, beneath all the layers of our complex relationship, it is. “We’ve got a lot to talk about, and I could use some food after that game.”

“Oakley, come on,” Gray encourages her from the front seat. “You know you’re hungry too.”

She narrows her eyes and presses her lips together, but ultimately sighs in resignation. “Fine, you’re right. Let’s go get something to eat. But aren’t you worried about being seen?” She glances around, as if expecting paparazzi to jump out from behind every corner.

“Who cares if we’re seen?” I reply, trying to sound casual but unable to keep the edge of defiance from creeping into my voice. “I’m not going to hide how I feel about you. If people want to talk, let them talk.”

“I don’t want to cause any trouble for you three,” she says, concern etched across her face. She looks at each of us, her gaze filled with sincerity.

“Oakley, there’s no trouble here,” I assure her, reaching over to gently squeeze her hand. “I meant what I said earlier, and I’m not afraid to show it.”

“Alright then,” she finally concedes with a small smile, pushing aside her reservations.

“Besides,” Gray chimes in, his voice reassuring, “we’re all here to support each other, right?”

“Exactly,” Theo agrees, nodding enthusiastically. “And if people want to talk, let them. We know who we are and what we mean to each other.”

“Wow, this place is amazing,”Oakley marvels, her green eyes reflecting the flicker of candlelight on our table. I can’t help but agree—tonight is definitely a night to remember.

“Here’s to an unforgettable evening,” Gray raises his glass in a toast, his warm brown eyes filled with sincerity.

“Cheers!” we all chime in, clinking our glasses together before taking a sip of the sparkling water.

“Reid, that shot was incredible tonight,” Theo says, his piercing blue eyes locking onto mine. “You really pulled through for the team.”

“Thanks,” I reply modestly, feeling a wave of pride wash over me. “I couldn’t have done it without all of you there supporting me.”

“Speaking of support,” Oakley interjects, her voice laced with both sass and gratitude, “I don’t know where I’d be without you guys. You’ve been my rock through everything.”

“Hey, we’re a team, remember?” Theo grins, his eyes crinkling at the corners. “We stick together, no matter what.”

“Absolutely,” Gray adds, his gentle smile reassuring us all of his unwavering dedication.

As the conversation flows effortlessly among us, we share stories and laughter that only serve to strengthen our bond. It’s almost easy to forget the chaos of the game and the complications that loom just beyond the horizon.

“Have any of you ever thought about what you’d be doing if you weren’t playing hockey?” Oakley asks, her curiosity piqued.

“Probably something with animals,” Theo says thoughtfully. “Maybe a veterinarian or something.”

“Really?” Oakley raises an eyebrow, her interest clearly captured by this unexpected revelation.

“Yep.” Theo nods adamantly. “I’ve always loved animals, and I think helping them would be incredibly rewarding.”

I take a moment to consider the question myself, my thoughts lingering on the various paths my life could have taken. “Ithink I’d probably still be involved in sports somehow,” I admit. “Maybe coaching or training, something that keeps me close to the action.”

“Interesting,” Oakley murmurs, her gaze flicking between each of us as if she’s piecing together a puzzle. “And what about you, Gray?”

Gray hesitates for a moment, his expression contemplative. “I’ve always been drawn to art,” he finally confesses, surprising us all with the vulnerability in his voice. “If not for hockey, I might have pursued a career as an artist.”

“Wow, I never knew that about you,” Oakley admits, her eyes wide with wonder. “That’s really amazing, Gray.”

“Oakley,” I begin, my voice softening with the weight of emotions bubbling to the surface. “There’s something we’ve all been wanting to tell you.” Her gaze shifts between Gray, Theo, and me, curiosity piquing in her eyes.