As the clock struck noon, I found myself standing on a street corner, my heart pounding in my chest. This was it — the moment of truth. If all went according to plan, by the end of today, Novak would be little more than a distant memory. I couldn't wait until then. I'd been in this life for far too long.

Javier pulled up beside me, a sleek black car idling at the curb.He almost looked ordinary. "Our buddy approaches,"he said quietly, gesturing to a figure walking towards us with purposeful strides.

The man, average height and build, wore a hoodie pulled up high around his face. As he drew near, I could see the nervous tension in his movements. We both wished to be home and doing something more gratifying.

"You Mateo?"He asked, voice low and guarded. We both didn't know each other. This was the moment of truth, when I'd find out if he was someone I could trust.

I stepped forward, extending a hand."That's right. You must be our 'buddy'."The informant hesitated for a split second before shaking firmly. I would have done the same if I were him.

"I am,"he confirmed, glancing around as though he was expecting something to jump out of the shadows. "But I don't have much time. Here's what you need to know about Novak's upcoming deal..."

He spoke in a hurry, his words tumbling out. Dates, locations, key players — each detail another piece of the puzzle. I listened with perked ears and without as much as blinking, committing it all to memory. Nothing could be missed.

After he finished, he stepped back, wiping a hand across his brow."That's everything,"he said, sounding both relieved and exhausted."Just make sure it stays between us, yeah? I've got a family to protect."Didn't we all?

"We'll take care of it,"I promised."You have my word." And he knew my word was one of the most important things he could get from me.

With a curt nod, our buddy melted back into the crowd, disappearing as quickly as he had appeared. I turned to Javier, a grim determination setting my jaw."Let's move out."

Back at the mansion, we gathered around a large screen as Marcus worked his magic. Lines of code scrolled past almost in a blur, broken only by the occasional grunt of satisfaction or muttered curse. We held our collective breath, watching and waiting. This had to go right, or else we would have to go back to the drawing board.

Then, all of a sudden, Marcus whooped in triumph."Gotcha!"He crowed, spinning in his chair to face us."We finally have enough dirt on Novak to put him away for life. Bank records, communication logs, the works. This is what the police need."

I felt a rush of adrenaline as the pieces finally clicked into place. With the informant's intel and Marcus's hacking prowess, we had everything we needed to bring Novak down. Now all we had to do was make it stick. Despite all that, it still wasn't going to be easy.

Javier and I worked until our legs felt like they might give out, passing the incriminating evidence along to our contactswithin law enforcement. We laid the groundwork, ensuring that every angle was covered.

By the time evening fell, the die was cast. Novak would soon find himself surrounded by authorities, his carefully constructed empire crumbling beneath his feet.

Chapter 19


My stomach churned with nerves as I hurried down the busy city street, my hand resting protectively over my swollen belly. I was running late for my meeting with Mateo, and the thought of keeping him waiting made my anxiety skyrocket. Especially considering everything that had been happening lately.

I wasn't worried about anyone coming after me. As Mateo had told me, Novak would soon be behind bars. It was only a matter of time.

I glanced over my shoulder, scanning the crowd for any sign of danger. But there was nothing out of the ordinary — just a sea of faces hurrying to their destinations. Still, I couldn't shake the feeling that I was being watched. Would they really be stupid enough to try to kidnap me again?

Lost in thought, I failed to notice the dark van idling at the curb until it was too late. Strong hands grabbed me from behind, dragging me off my feet and into the vehicle before I could even cry out. No passerby noticed anything, too. A cloth sack was thrown over my head, plunging me into darkness. They didn't want me to see where they were taking me.

"Let me go!"I struggled against my captors, my heart racing with fear.And I knew that if I kept saying too much, they would gag me too. "Please, I'm pregnant. You don't want to do this."

But my pleas fell on deaf ears. They didn't care. The van lurched into motion, speeding through the streets at breakneck pace. Where were they taking me? What did they want? Why were there no police around to see what was happening?

As the vehicle slowed to a stop, I heard the sound of a door opening. The door on my side, to be precise.

Rough hands yanked me out, propelling me forward until I stumbled into what felt like a warehouse. The sack was ripped away, revealing a dark room and a single figure standing before me. I would have recognized him even if I were almost completely blind.

Novak. His cold eyes gleamed with malice as a cruel smile tugged at his lips.Shivers ran up my abdomen. He should be in jail. What happened to Mateo's plan? It didn't work?

"Ah, Kael,"he purred, circling me like a shark scenting blood."So nice of you to join me. We have much to discuss, you and I."

I pressed myself against the wall, my knees trembling with terror."W-what do you want?"I stammered, trying to keep my voice steady despite the quaver. It wasn't working well.

Novak laughed, the sound harsh and grating."What I want is simple,"he growled, grabbing my chin and forcing me to meet his gaze."I want Mateo to pay for crossing me. For thinking he can take what's mine and walk away unscathed."

Tears pricked at my eyes as realization dawned. This was about revenge. It couldn't be any different."I don't want to say anything,"I choked out, struggling against his grip."Mateo saved me from you."