A flicker of doubt crossed Mateo's face, but he kept his composure. I knew he was thinking the same thing as me — what about our baby? What kind of life would we lead, forever looking over our shoulders?
But before I could voice those concerns aloud, Detective Thompson cleared his throat, drawing our attention."There are just a few more details to discuss before we can officially seal the deal,"he said, looking uncomfortable."Firstly, you will be required to relocate to a secure facility as soon as possible, where you will remain under guard until the trial begins. This is for your own safety as well as to ensure the integrity of the evidence. I'm sure you understand." We did. It didn't mean it was going to be easy.
I glanced at Mateo, seeing the same trepidation reflected in his eyes. This wasn't what we expected. We thought we would have more control, more freedom. But maybe it was better this way, for now.
"And secondly,"the detective continued,"you must understand that testifying against your former associates will not be easy. There may be attempts on your lives, efforts to intimidate you into recanting. We will do everything in our power to protect you, but ultimately, your safety rests largely in your own hands."
Swallowing hard, I nodded the lump that was in my throat. I knew the risks. So did Mateo. But the potential rewards outweighed the dangers. A chance at a normal life, a family... It was worth fighting for.
With a heavy heart, I agreed to the terms, sealing my fate and the future of my unborn child alongside Mateo's.
As we were escorted away, I looked back over my shoulder one last time, wondering if I would ever see this place again. I didn't want to ever come back there.
Chapter 17
The weight of the world lifted from my shoulders as I signed the final paperwork, sealing our deal with the authorities. It was done. No going back anymore. After everything that I had to go through to ensure the Nightshade Wolves' success, this was how it was ending.
Javier had been by my side throughout the process, offering support as we navigated the labyrinthine corridors of the law enforcement compound. I had let him in on what was happening; I had to. It was too much for just me and Kael.
Javier's presence was comforting, a reminder of the few constants in this ever-shifting landscape. There was a reason he was someone I trusted. Unlike Santiago, I was sure he would always support me, no matter what. He didn’t want more than he already had, after all. Not to mention, he had also been looking for a way to escape the cartel. He just wanted to dick around and nothing more.
As we stepped out into the crisp afternoon air, I felt a sense of relief wash over me. There wasn't much else to do now. We had taken the first step towards a new life, one free from theshadows of our past. But there was no time to bask in the glow of victory. Not when Kael and our unborn child were still in harm's way.
We were making a lot of enemies by doing this. It came with the territory. Having enemies wasn't anything new, but it was different this time. Too many of them. One of them could get lucky and hurt one of us. I promised myself, in that moment, that it would never happen.
Javier cleared his throat, breaking the silence that had settled between us."Mateo,"he began, his voice heavy with concern,"we need to talk and I think you know what we need to clear up."
I turned to face him, raising an eyebrow in question. Javier was many things - loyal, fierce, and always honest to a fault. If he was initiating this conversation, it must be serious. I knew it was. His eyes told me as much.
"You're taking a massive risk — so much so it's something I thought you would never do,"he continued, his dark eyes boring into mine."Turning state's evidence, testifying against Novak and the others. It's a smart move and even though you've taken all the precautions you could, I still worry."
I nodded, understanding the implications of our actions. By cooperating with the authorities, we were essentially turning our backs on the only world we'd ever known. It was a leap of faith, one that could easily backfire if we weren't careful.
Not to mention, not much could stop the government from betraying us. They could decide they didn't have to put up with us and just lock us up. If that happened, I wouldn't be surprised. Angry, yes, but not surprised.
"But that's not what's really bothering you, is it?"I asked, my gaze unwavering."Spit it out, Javier. What's on your mind?"
He hesitated for a moment before speaking, choosing his words to not anger me."It's just... this life, it changes people. Ittwists them until they barely recognize themselves anymore. I've seen it happen time and again, and I don't want to see it happen to you or Kael. I've barely been managing to keep my old self with me."
His words struck a chord within me, resonating all the way to my heart. I knew the dangers inherent in our world, the insidious way it could seep into every facet of one's life. And yet, here we were, trying to carve out a different path. It was one of the reasons I was doing this.
"You think I haven't considered that?"I replied, my voice low and steady."You think I don't lie awake at night, wondering if I'm doing the right thing? If I'm strong enough to keep Kael safe, to give our child a better life than the one I've known?"
Javier placed a hand on my shoulder, his grip firm and reassuring."I know you have, Mateo. That's why I'm here, standing beside you. Because I believe in you, and because I want to help make sure this works. But you have to be ready for whatever comes next. You can't let your guard down, not even for a second. If you do, I don't even want to think what would happen."
I acknowledged his words with a solemn nod, grateful for his unwavering support. He didn't have to worry so much. I knew what I was doing. I'd never let something like that happen, not when so much was at stake.
Just then, my phone rang, the shrill tone slicing through the air like a knife. I answered it on the third ring, my heart speeding up at a slight pace. I couldn't afford to feel nervous right now. Too much hanging in the balance.
"What?"I barked into the receiver, my voice tense with anticipation.
"Boss, it's Marco,"came the urgent reply."We've got a situation. Novak's men, they're onto Kael. They're tailing him right now, moving in fast."
A surge of adrenaline coursed through my veins, my protective instincts roaring to life. I didn't need to hear another word. With a sharp gesture to Javier, I sprinted towards my car, the engine growling to life as I peeled out of the parking lot. I filled him in on what Marco told me.
The city blurred around me as I tore through the streets, each red light a challenge I refused to heed. Nothing could stop me now — not even the police. My mind raced, conjuring a thousand possible scenarios, each more terrifying than the last. I couldn't let anything happen to Kael. Not now, not ever. Otherwise, I would never forgive myself.