I couldn't bear the thought of anything happening to him. The very idea of losing him was unthinkable. I had to get him back safely, no matter the cost.
When I arrived at the rendezvous point, I found Javier and the others already assembled, weapons drawn and faces grim. This was going to be dangerous. It was likely going to draw the attention of the authorities, but I didn't care.
My men looked to me for guidance, for a plan of action. And I was going to give them one.
"We're going to war,"I declared, voice ringing with steely resolve."Santiago and Mr. Novak have declared themselves enemies of the Nightshade Wolves. They will pay dearly for their mistake."
Turning to Javier, I fixed him with a hard stare."Contact our informants. Find out where they're holding Kael. I want locations, numbers — everything we need to mount a successful rescue mission."
He nodded sharply, already reaching for his phone."I'm on it, boss."
As the men dispersed to carry out their assignments, I sank heavily into a chair, exhaling. The weight of responsibility pressed down upon me like a physical burden. I had failed Kael. I should have seen Santiago's betrayal coming, should have protected him better.Should have acted sooner.
But I would make things right. I would bring him home safely. No matter what it took, I would save my fated mate.
Chapter 14
The room spun as I slowly regained consciousness, my head throbbing with pain. Blinking against the harsh fluorescent lights overhead, my vision gradually cleared, revealing the stark concrete walls of an unfamiliar space. Where was I? I didn't know. Not yet.
Memories of my abduction came rushing back — the sudden appearance of masked men, the sting of a needle pricking my arm, the world fading to black. Mr. Novak's face loomed over me, sneering with triumph. He had me now even more than before, his prize in the ongoing game of cat and mouse.
Raising my head proved a monumental effort, muscles weak and unresponsive. I lay bound to a metal chair, arms wrenched behind my back, ankles secured to the legs. The cold bite of rope dug into my skin, chafing with every movement.
"Ah, the sleeping beauty awakens!"A familiar voice drawled from the shadows. My stomach clenched with dread as Mr. Novak stepped into the light, a wicked grin playing across his face.I thought I had been doing everything he wanted. I didn'tknow why he kidnapped me. "I was starting to think you might sleep through the whole show."
Fear coiled tightly around my throat, making it difficult to breathe. How had he found me? What did he want?
"Let me go,"I croaked, voice hoarse from disuse."This has nothing to do with me."
Mr. Novak threw back his head and laughed, the sound echoing off the bare walls."Oh, but it does, my dear boy. You see, your beloved Mateo has something I want. And you're going to help me get it."
Before I could question his meaning, the door burst open with a resounding crash. Armed figures swarmed into the room, weapons trained on Mr. Novak. In the lead stood none other than Mateo, eyes blazing with fury as they locked onto his captive. Him showing up here all of a sudden impressed me. I thought it was going to take him a lot more time.
"Kael!"He roared, surging forward only to be brought up short by the gun pressed to my temple. One wrong move and...
"Stop right there,"Mr. Novak warned, tightening his grip on me. He never expected Mateo to find him so soon."One more step and the boy dies."
Time seemed to slow as the two men faced off, tension crackling between them. Mateo's jaw clenched, hand flexing around his weapon. He was torn between saving me and taking out his enemy.
In that moment, I knew he would choose me. Always. No matter the cost.
"Let him go, Novak,"Mateo growled, low and dangerous."You won't walk out of here alive if you don't."
Mr. Novak scoffed, pressing the muzzle harder against my skull."You're in no position to make demands, wolf. I have all the cards here."
But even as he spoke, doubt flickered across his features. His gaze darted to the armed men surrounding us, assessing his chances. They were not good.
As Mr. Novak hesitated, uncertainty written plainly on his face, the door slammed open once again. Every head swiveled towards the intrusion, weapons raising.
To everyone's shock, Santiago strode into the room, hands held aloft in mock surrender. Despite what was happening, he still felt he was in control.
His eyes glittered with dark amusement as he surveyed the scene before him.
"What's all this commotion about?"He inquired, tone light despite the gravity of the situation."Can't a man get some peace around here?"
Mateo's expression darkened, finger tightening on his trigger."Santiago,"he spat."What the hell are you doing here?"