The undead gave a bit of a chuckle, and Victoria saw the flare of pink again in his eyes. The tips of his fangs touched his lower lip. “Of course not. Now shall we be off?”

Sebastian and Anton?n led the way with Victoria close behind them in the narrow warren of streets. They passed by the famous astrological clock that looked down on the Town Square, a relatively wide-open area that offered relief from the close streets blocked by three-story buildings. As it was only ten o’clock on a pleasant summer evening, people were scattered about, walking and talking. Victoria noticed Anton?n’s wistful glance at more than one isolated couple.

He was probably wishing he hadn’t been so easily distracted from the simple woman on the bridge.

Her own gaze lingered on the ornate entrance to Our Lady Before T?n, the cathedral in which Max was presumably on his knees. She hoped. Victoria felt Sebastian watching her as she looked toward the grand building, which reared up over the square and could be seen throughout the city. Brushing the sky, two ornate spires lifted in dual points.

“One tower represents the masculine of our world, and the other, the feminine,” Sebastian said in her ear. He still held the reins of Anton?n’s horse. Victoria realized that she’d stopped, and was looking up at the asymmetrical towers. “That’s why they’re different. Do you wish to look inside?”

“No.” Yes . “Let’s get the ring.”

“As my lady wishes.”

They left the Old Town Square behind them, Victoria riding past the church without another glance. The unencumbered area gave way again to the winding, narrow streets, which became quieter and darker as they left the city center behind. The back of Victoria’s neck shifted with chill, and she knew that undead lurked about. But though she and Sebastian exchanged measured, meaningful glances, they didn’t detour to investigate.

“Klausen Synagogue,” said Anton?n at last, flourishing his hand toward a simply facaded building. After the detail of the cathedrals and other structures in the Town Square, this gleamed like smooth cream under the moonlight. “Behind it is the old cemetery. Katerina usually stays within, waiting for the odd mortal to venture through the graveyard.”

“You will show us where,” Sebastian said, dismounting from his horse while holding both sets of reins.

Victoria and Sebastian remained close to Anton?n as he led them past the synagogue and beyond the gate of the cemetery. She’d never seen anything like this dark, shadowy space jumbled with tombstones.

The headstones erupted from the earth as though pushed up by some great internal force, so close together there was very little space to walk between them. Off-kilter, tipping, broken, the thousands of headstones clumped in a small space reminded Victoria of the hair on a cat’s back, rising in all directions.

She found it nearly impossible to navigate between them without stepping on graves, lifting her foot over a grave marker, or even finding grass on which to trod. The space held an eeriness, yet an overriding sense of peace as well.

“Twelve thousand people buried here,” Sebastian said quietly. “Most of them on top of each other, in layers upon layers.” He stood near her, occasionally offering a gentlemanly hand to help her over a jutting stone.

“Where is Katerina?” Victoria asked, realizing the back of her neck hadn’t changed in temperature-as it would if there were another vampire nearby.

“I don’t know. She should be here,” Anton?n insisted, leading them on, deeper into the center of the cemetery. Victoria saw a grave that looked like a large stone bed, complete with head and foot, and at about that moment, she realized the air had begun to stir.

Not a breeze… no, not even the chill that lifted hair at the back of her neck when she sensed the undead. Victoria lifted her face, flaring her nostrils to draw in the scent on the air.

A blast of chill swept over her as she smelled it… and felt the air’s movement grow stronger. She looked at Sebastian, read the recognition in his eyes, and turned back to their vampire companion. “What is it? Why have you brought us here?” she demanded, her hand falling to the sword at her side.

But he seemed just as shocked as they, his red eyes wide and frightened. “I… What is this?” he cried, stumbling backward over a jumble of headstones.

He tried to run away, but Sebastian caught him by the arm, slamming him into a nearby headstone. The vampire fell as Victoria’s hair lifted and swirled in the rising breeze. “What is it?” Sebastian demanded.

“I don’t know! On Lucifer ’s sword, I swear it… I don’t know!”

Victoria drew her sword, looking up to see that the scattering of stars and the half-moon had become little more than a dull glow behind a billowing black cloud.

Again. No, not again.

Chill that had little to do with undead presence battled through her body, freezing her fingers and slowing her reflexes. One look at Anton?n’s face told her that no matter what trap he’d led them to, he hadn’t expected this.

“Stand up, you bloody fool,” Sebastian roared, yanking the vampire to his feet. “You’ll stand with us or see the end of my stake.”

“But they’re… demons,” he said, his voice distorted by the rising wind. The horribly familiar black clouds stewed above them, wind tossing Victoria’s short hair wildly. “They’ll kill us.”

“Or I will,” Victoria muttered, turning away from the ridiculous undead as the first swipe from the black-clawed, red-eyed creatures scored over her scalp.

She cried out and swung up with the sword. The blade sliced through, and ice shivered along her weapon, through her arms, and up into her body.

Staggering, Victoria stumbled into a tombstone and fell, crashing into another nearby stone. She screamed in rage and arced the blade up again. Fallen leaves and old sticks lifted from the ground, battering against her like pummeling fists. She pulled to her feet, using the point of her sword against a moss-covered stone, felt it scrape metal against rock, and battled back at the black demon.

Another swipe, and she slowed further, slicing the wraith’s head while accepting the paralyzing cold that trammeled through her body. Sebastian bumped into her and their backs came together. His warmth bled into her, and she was able to move again.

“Idiot,” he shouted at Anton?n, who cowered down between the cluster of stone markers. Sebastian swiped up with his own blade.

Digging beneath her coat, Victoria ducked as another black creature swooped close again. A small jug hung at her side, protected by a snug leather holder and a strap that went over her shoulder. She pulled it out, feeling Sebastian struggling against the demons above her, protecting her as she worked the cork free.