By the time they reached the stop of the stairs, he was breathing a bit harder-and not because of the climb. At the top, he allowed Victoria to slide down from his grip in a swirl of gossamer silk and lace. His hands moved over her br**sts, covering the lace, and then suddenly his palms cupped her bare flesh. Thumbs found the hard and sensitive points of her ni**les, followed by that hot, slick mouth.

Her world became a slow, swirling vortex of pleasure, of gentle, purposeful hands, sleek mouths tangling and tasting, warm skin, and the insistent need tugging at her… then more and more urgent, demanding.

Before she realized it, the bed materialized beneath her, and she felt the soft linen on her bare skin… the warmth of his body as he moved next to her, his hands and mouth never stopping from their inventory. She arched up when he moved down to take the vis bullae into his mouth, and heard the soft click of the metal against his teeth… and then nearly cried out in surprise when he moved lower.

A strong hand was planted gently on her belly, thumb twisting around and amid the strength amulets, kept her steady, but writhing as he kissed and licked and stroked until the only sound in her ears was the rush of her own breath. And then the little gasps of her rising pleasure.

Max brought her over the edge and stayed with her while she trembled against him, biting her lip to keep from crying out, fully aware of a slender tear trickling from the corner of her eye. Then he was next to her, warm and sleek, lining up alongside her torso as she reached between them. When she wrapped her fingers around him, he closed his eyes with a sigh.

But then moments later, he removed her hand, gently but firmly, and covering her mouth with his, settled over her. His weight felt blessedly solid and warm, and she pressed her curves up into the solid planes that made his torso, imprinting herself on him, holding him close.

When he slid fully home, she closed her eyes and thought… at last .

Giulia came to him in his dreams… in a more real way than she had for many months.

Sebastian didn’t know if it was the amount of brandy he’d consumed, or the fact that he’d finally accepted Victoria’s decision.

Either way, when he woke, it was to reach blindly for Max’s sister… only to find her no more substantial than Victoria.

Who had gone to Max.

Max’s sister.

Max’s lover.

Sebastian gnawed on bitterness, there in the breaking dawn.

The remnants of the dream still clung to his consciousness, and he closed his eyes again, trying to bring them back. He touched her long, dark hair-just as thick as Victoria’s, but without the curl. He looked into her Pesaro eyes, felt the warmth of her body next to his as he’d never done in reality.

In his dreams, he missed her. Grieved anew. And pined over the fact that it was he who’d ended her undead life, who’d sent her to eternal damnation.

And yet, in his dreams… her dark eyes were clear, uncondemning. Tender. Even… hopeful.

When he woke, Sebastian stared at the scarred, smoke-tinted ceiling in his cramped, impersonal room. What now? something asked in his mind.

What now?

“Say my name.”


Victoria closed her eyes. She might not be certain exactly where she was, or what had happened to that whispery pink gown, or even whether the glow from the window was moonbeam or early dawn… but one thing she knew for certain was the man next to her.

Her mouth curved beneath his as he bent to kiss her yet again. The scrape of his whiskers had long ceased to bother her tender skin, and her own musky taste lingered on his lips and tongue. His body was long and warm and very, very powerful. Very skillful.

Very welcome.

“And you are?” he murmured against her mouth, settling into her in a lovely, deep slide. Again. Oh, yes, again.

Victoria caught her breath, arching a bit closer to the hair-roughened skin pressed against hers. She spread her hands over the smooth slide of muscle on his back. Her world had slowed from a taut, frantic whirlwind to one slower, more deliberate.

She barely remembered to answer him. “I’m… Jane?”

His cheek moved, and she knew he was smiling.

Max smiling. A wonder.

But then her thoughts evaporated as that smile eased and they began to move together. His mouth against her neck, his face buried in her hair. She felt the warm rush of his breath and felt a whisk of lashes against her temple as pleasure rose inside her… higher, stronger… and then she slid over in a long, undulating wave.

She felt his quiet groan of completion against her cheek, and her eyes slid closed… and her long, loose, sated body eased into sleep.

Victoria woke sometime later. Even though her eyes were closed, she felt the burn of sunlight on them, and she knew it was well into the day.

She lay still for a moment, aware of the warmth of Max’s body next to her, afraid to open her eyes and find… whatever would be the results of the night before. The last time-the only other time-she and Max had been together thus, she’d awakened to a man with regret and bald fear blazing across his face.

She didn’t think she could accept that again.

She didn’t think her heart could.

A knock at the door had her eyes flying open, despite her intentions otherwise; but before she could respond, the knob turned, and it began to open.

In the bed behind her, Max growled, “Get out,” and Victoria saw the door jerk slightly open-as if someone jolted in surprise-and then whip shut, as if that same person was mortified. She smothered a chuckle. That would give Verbena something to talk about.

For days.

Girding herself, she turned her head to find Max’s dark eyes regarding her.

“Good morning… Jane,” he said. A slight twitch moved the corner of his mouth.

No regret. No fear. Even… a bit of humor? Victoria began to feel warmth bubble inside her. “Good morning. Do you have one foot on the floor, ready to dash off?” She kept her voice light, yet she realized that she was holding her breath.

“Is there a reason I should dash off? The return of a husband or lover?” he asked, his voice light… yet… yet… she felt an underlying edge to it. Subtle, but present.

“No.” She sat up. The coverlet fell away, drawing his attention… and his fingertips… to her bared torso. “Max,” she said, as his long, elegant fingers brushed gently over her skin, “I want you to know that… it was never like this with Sebastian. What I mean to say is, he never… we never slept. Or woke. Together. It was always much more… furtive with Sebastian.”