The restaurant owner is waiting to greet us. “Mr O’Reagan.” He holds out his hand which I place my coat and Margret’s shawl in. Her eyes scan the interior. I knew girls like her didn’t come to places like this so I made sure the time she needed was given. I secretly watch her in wonder. Seeing this through her eyes I could see how impressive it was. I just never looked.
Before arriving I had gone through the bookings for tonight and had Mr Loughlin cancel most of them. I wanted Margret to enjoy her experience. The people who now dotted a few tables didn’t stare. But their conversation had taken on a different lull.
“Are you ready, Mr O’Reagan?”
I glance at Margret, the light sparkles in her eyes and the want to kiss her has me focusing on her lush pink lips.
A slow pink fills her cheeks and I know I’m staring.
“Yes, we are ready,” I speak while staring at Margret. Reaching out my hand she takes it and we follow Mr. Loughlin to our table that gives us a view of the whole restaurant yet keeps us hidden from everyone’s eyes.
“This place is incredible.” She’s still looking around but I can’t look away from her.
“You’re beautiful.” The words slip from my lips. Her head whips up and I’m not sure if it’s a look of horror or shock that crosses her face.
Sucking her lip between her teeth she glances again at the table to our left.
“Thank you.” Her smile allows me to see her white teeth. “Your very handsome too, Michael.” The blush in her cheeks has my lips tugging again.
Mr Loughlin arrives to take our orders, and I let Margret order first and mirror hers. I’m not here for the food. I had decided a long time ago that Margret would be mine, so right now I would make that so. I just never pictured her boldness when she stopped me at the fair.
Angry old eyes have me growing serious. “Your father? He let you come?”
The moment I speak of him I can see how tense Margret’s shoulders become.
“No. I snuck out.” She’s not smiling and worry flashes in her eyes.
I nod. “He didn’t hurt you yesterday?” I ask.
Her brows drag close together. “My father would never harm me. Never.” The emphasis on the final word has me relaxing slightly.
“When I drop you home, maybe I could have a word with him.”
She’s shaking her head before I even finish the sentence. Covering her hand with mine causes her to jump slightly. My attempts at making this situation better wasn’t working.
I sit back as our first course arrives. Waiting until the waiter slips away and into the shadows of the room, I only speak then.
“Margret.” Her eyes snap to mine and I allow a soft smile to cross my lips. “You have my word it will be fine. Just for me, enjoy tonight.”
She sinks a bit deeper into the chair. “I am enjoying it, Mr O’Reagan.”
“Michael. You can call me Michael.”
A beautiful smile sparkles across her face. “Okay, Michael.” The food comes and goes and I taste a bit of everything but my focus is Margret. She’s beautiful and when she relaxes the conversation flows easily. She does most of the talking but I’m happy to listen to her.
The restaurant empties and I’m aware of the staff lingering waiting for us to finish.
“How does a walk sound?”
Her eager nod has her rising out of her chair. Our jackets are ready and waiting.
The air is cold when we step outside but the rain holds off. Still holding my jacket I don’t put it on but turn to Margret who fidgets with her hands looking unsure. I don’t ask her but step closer, her chest rises and holds as I place my jacket around her shoulders.
“Did you enjoy yourself?”
“It was the best night ever.” The wonder on her face again has me stepping closer and taking her face in my hands, like I might be able to capture that wonder and hold on to it.
“It was for me too.” I answer honestly. She wasn’t afraid of me and to have something so beautiful and innocent around me was so foreign that I couldn’t but be in awe of her.