I stumbled slightly, steadying myself against Justice as memories of my previous stay assaulted me. The bedroom Garrick had given me, a gilded cage within these forbidding walls. The illusion of freedom as I wandered the castle’s halls, all the while knowing I was trapped. My fingers tightened around Justice’s hand, the phantom pain of our separation during that time making my chest constrict.

“Home sweet home, huh?” Damon’s sarcastic drawl cut through my reverie. “Gotta say, Dracula’s got nothing on your decorator, Garrick. Really nailing that ‘abandon all hope’ vibe.”

Garrick’s eyes narrowed, but he remained silent, leading us toward the yawning maw of the entrance. Each step closer to the fortress sent my pulse racing. The shadow of the stronghold fell over us like we were being swallowed alive by some ancient, malevolent entity.

As we approached the towering gates, their intricate ironwork twisting into nightmarish shapes, I fought to control my breathing. The fortress may not have been a prison in the traditional sense, but the memory of my benign captivity here left a bitter taste in my mouth. Now, as we sought refuge within its walls once more, I wondered if we were walking into safety or an even more elaborate trap.

Maggie’s fingers dug into Garrick’s arm. “There’s something wrong,” she insisted tightly. “Where are all the guards?”

The eerie silence where there should have been the clank of armor and the shuffle of feet reminded me of rats scurrying in the darkness, waiting for the perfect moment to attack.

Garrick’s eyes narrowed to slits. “My guards would not abandon their post.”

“Then I would say something bad happened to your guards.” Justice’s gaze swept across the castle, his body taut as a bowstring.

My heart leaped into my throat. Without a word, our group plunged into the thick foliage surrounding the stronghold. Branches whipped at my face, leaves rustling in the stillness.

A movement on the castle wall caught my eye. A dark, cloaked figure appeared, radiating an aura of menace. As the hood fell back, revealing a cascade of dark curls, I clamped my hand over my mouth to stifle a gasp.


My blood ran cold.

Another figure joined her, this one crowned with long blonde hair that gleamed in the dim light. Lisa. Aurora, her majestic phoenix, perched on her arm, its feathers shimmering with an otherworldly glow.

Seeing them standing there so brazenly sent a tremor through my body. I pressed closer to Justice, seeking his warmth and his strength. The forest around us suddenly felt alive with unseen threats, every rustle and snap of a twig amplified.

Damon whispered through the quiet. “Well, isn’t this peachy? Looks like the coven decided to throw a house party. Any chance they brought pie?”

Despite the gravity of the situation, I had to bite back a hysterical laugh. Leave it to Damon to find humor in the face of danger. Yet as I watched Maci and Lisa surveying their surroundings, their postures radiating confidence and power, fear writhed in my gut like a venomous snake.

Lisa’s betrayal cut deep, a phantom blade twisting in my gut. The sight of her standing alongside Maci sent waves of nausea rolling through me. How could she cast us aside so easily? The bitterness of her treachery coated my tongue.

Garrick’s finger pressed against his lips, his eyes wide with urgency. He waved, beckoning us to follow him away from the stronghold. We slipped through the marshy, tangled landscape, my feet sinking into the muck with each step. The squelch of sodden earth filled the air, punctuated by soft splashes as we navigated through patches of stagnant water.

Damon trudged ahead with Zara’s now-unconscious form draped over his shoulder. Her limp arms swayed with each of his steps, a stark reminder of our group’s vulnerability.

A cloud of insects swarmed around us, their incessant buzzing a maddening chorus. Sharp pinpricks of pain peppered my skin as they feasted, each bite sending a jolt of panic throughme. I slapped the back of my neck and arms, trying to kill the little buggers. My mind raced with images of exotic diseases lurking in their tiny, venomous mouths.

After what felt like an eternity of slogging, Garrick halted before a small, thatched house. Two ancient trees stood on either side, their gnarled branches intertwining overhead like protective arms.

Garrick’s hand shot up, his muscles tensing as he approached the structure. His gaze darted about, scanning for any signs of danger. The only sound was our ragged breathing and the distant calls of unfamiliar creatures.

“It’s empty,” he announced, his shoulders dropping as tension bled from his frame. “This was my little hideaway when I wanted to escape the throne.” His hand found Maggie’s back, fingers tracing soothing patterns as his voice softened. “Or take my mate somewhere private.”

Maggie’s face turned three shades of red. “Garrick.” She drawled out his name, but a flicker of love glistened in her eyes.

The air around us seemed to lighten, the oppressive dread giving way to a fragile hope. Yet, as I gazed back toward the looming silhouette of Angarth Stronghold, a foreboding gloom sank into my gut. The fortress’ dark spires pierced the swirling mists, a constant reminder of the dangers lurking beyond our temporary haven.

My heart raced, torn between relief at finding shelter and the gnawing fear of what might come next. How long could we hide from those who now controlled Garrick’s domain? And what dark plans were Maci and Lisa hatching within those impenetrable walls?

Garrick pushed the weathered wooden door open. It creaked on ancient hinges, revealing an interior that defied the humble exterior. I stumbled inside, my breath catching as unexpected grandeur unfolded before me.

The hut’s interior stretched far beyond what its outer appearance suggested, a testament to fae magic. Rich tapestries adorned the walls, their intricate designs depicting scenes from Unseelie lore in muted, earthy tones. The air was thick with the scent of aged wood and exotic spices.

A massive fireplace dominated one wall, its mantle carved with twisting vines and mythical creatures. Plush armchairs and a low, ornate table sat before it, inviting weary travelers to rest.

The ceiling arched high above, wooden beams interlacing in complex patterns. From them hung delicate crystal chandeliers, their soft light casting a warm glow throughout the space.