“It’s the least I could do. I was inspired—” Her face falls as she goes quiet.

Bemused, I stare at her. “What? What’s wrong?”

“I had a strange dream a few nights ago. That’s all. Anyway, I dreamed that you were wearing these earrings, in that dream, and I decided you needed them.”

My forehead furrows. Dreams are not always dreams, and I know Wren knows that as well as I do, so I just stare at her and wait.

She sighs, her chest heaving as she rolls her eyes towards the ceiling. “I know.”

“You know what?”

“I know that you’re going to tell me dreams can be visions,” she says in an annoyed voice.

“I just want my jewelry,” I tell her. “I can lecture you on dreams, too, or you can give me the gift and I promise to shut up.”

She huffs a laugh at that. “Fair enough.” The pouch is a deep sage velvet, and I take it from her gingerly.

“I love presents,” I tell her, excited. “I know that’s probably not the right thing to say right now, so thank you. But I love your art, and I am so thrilled you thought of me.”

“That sounds like exactly the right thing to say to me. Keep talking.” She preens, and I laugh.

“Go on,” she says, snagging a soft pretzel from the tray, then tossing it between her hands and blowing. “Open it.”

She doesn’t have to tell me twice.

I pull at the corded drawstring, untying it and then delicately slipping a hand inside.

I gasp as I pull out a pair of lovely earrings, silver vines with tiny moonstone flowers.

“They’re climbers. They sit vertically on your lobe and go up the sides. It’s an elven design I decided to make witchy.”

“They are gorgeous,” I tell her.

They are, too, and she beams as I fasten them on my ears. “What charm did you use to enchant them?”

I can feel it, whatever the charm is, but what it’s doing is unclear.

“Just whatever good thoughts I had while making them,” she says, but her voice is unsure. “I’ve been working pretty hard, you know? I can’t… remember. But I’m sure it’s fine.”

Her face clouds momentarily, and a feeling of foreboding passes through me.

The front bell rings, and Ga’Rek’s heavy footfalls sound.

“You’re back,” I exclaim, my hands falling away from the earrings. “Good, it’s nearly time to get ready and head to the festival. The duchess should be here soon.”

Ga’Rek finally appears in the doorway, which he has to duck to get under.

I love how big my orc is, how safe I feel with him around, how protected.

He’s carrying a brown paper parcel tied up with strings, and his cheeks are the deeper green color that means he’s either excited or embarrassed.

“Oooh, looks like I’m not the only one who brought a gift,” Wren says, waggling her eyebrows. “Okay, I’ll let you two have some privacy. Make sure you wear the earrings tonight.”

Her voice changes slightly, more commanding, but she wears the same smile as she slips out of the kitchen through the back door. “See you soon.”

I frown at her retreating figure, something dancing in the back of my mind that I can’t quite place.

“Here,” he says, his voice gruff and not a little bit shy. “I’m sorry I haven’t had the opportunity to get you something before now.”