“I drink a contraceptive tea.”
Relief and disappointment war within me, but she smiles up at me, sleepy-eyed and beautiful, and my warring thoughts finally wane.
“That’s good,” I make myself say.
She stretches out, her arms going long over her head, her mouth opening wide in a jaw-cracking yawn.
“Come,” I tell her, scooping her up in my arms and holding her close.
“I think I’ve done that about as much as I can,” she says, slightly weakly.
My dick bobs, still searching for her cunt. I could fuck her until the wee hours before daylight, could continue to make her come, but she will want to work in the morning.
I know that about her, and knowing it gives me great satisfaction. Even though fucking her until she can barely move sounds like a fantastic way to spend the night, her being too tired and mad at herself for it tomorrow isn’t worth it.
Her smiles are worth it.
Besides, I’ll have tomorrow night to look forward to.
“I’m going to take care of you, sweetling,” I tell her.
It takes me no time to decide which room is hers, but I open the third door in the hallway and deposit her in the huge footed copper tub. The bathroom is painted an earthy grey-green that appeals to me, reminding me of the forest. It’s fairly dark, but my orc sight means I see just as well in the dim light as I do in the day.
“Shall I light the candles for you, Piper?” I ask, fiddling with one of the brass knobs until hot water comes out.
We did not have anything like that in the Underhill, and it’s a luxury I’m not sure I’ll ever be fully used to.
Smiling, Piper utters a quiet word, and the sconces on the wall flare to light, then settle into a gentle flicker that dances along her skin.
She’s peaceful, quiet, and totally amenable to me washing every inch of her pretty body. Cum still leaks from between her legs, and I’m loath to clean it up, but I don’t want her to be uncomfortable, so I gently wash her there, too, rinsing out the rag several times to do so.
“Do you want children, Ga’Rek?” she asks me, her voice heavy with sleep.
I blink, surprised by the question.
“I don’t know,” I tell her honestly. “I’ve never had the opportunity to think that a family could be for me.” My throat constricts, and I attempt to swallow around the knot forming there.
“I understand. I’m sorry; I don’t mean to pry?—”
“You are not prying,” I interrupt. “No, do not even think of apologizing.”
She grows quiet, and I swipe the washcloth over the slope of her shoulders again. The bubbles from the vanilla-scented soap cling to her skin in a way that makes me envious of them.
“The orc mating urge is nothing to be trifled with—it’s something I knew even as a child. Something my parents were able to teach me, if nothing else.” I didn’t expect the words to come out, didn’t plan the admission in any way.
Water sloshes as her hand rises, her slim fingers wrapping around my wrist. “Ga’Rek.”
Now that I’m talking now, though, now that I’m… feeling like this, like she’s mine, I need to tell her; Ineedher to understand.
“My parents did not like each other. They were mated, yes, but their bodies chose each other. Their personalities were not… it was not good.”
I fall silent, and she squeezes my wrist gently.
“We’re not your parents, Ga’Rek. We were friends. We still are… but now, I suppose…” she trails off, her skin reddening on her chest, where her breasts bob at the surface of the soapy water.
“Now we’re more, yes?” The question is low and dangerous, and that mating urge surfaces again, primal, feral, dangerous.
“We’re more,” she agrees quietly. “I choose you, too. And not just because,” she clears her throat, half-turning in the tub to look at me. “Not just because of what we just did.”